IBIZA - april 25th - TO work !!!!!!!!!


New Member
hey everyone

My names adaM, im from sunny sheffield,,,, i hope ur all doing well,

Im moving ti Ibiza on the 25th off april (the plan was to go to napa, but i changed my mind at the last minute and though ibiza would be better) I hope im making the right move... lol.

I was abit worried about moving out here alone ( my mates pulled out at the last moment) but after talking to everyone n stuff it seems like alot off people are in my boat..

Id love to make new friends to meet in ibiza as im sure everyone would,

im 19 and just getting into the clubbing scene ,,, absolutley loving trance at the mo but like house/dance ect ect...

i know alot off people are first time movers to ibiza, but does anyone know if you get disscounts for been a worker , not to sound like a cheapskate (which i proberly am, haha)..

do you get cheaper food/drink/taxi's ect ? (and i know the club are dear, any disscounts lol)

i work at currys at the moment and im quite good at selling, so im thinking pr work would be for me.
i love talking to people and i rekon pr 's have to do ALOT off that lol....

anyway if anyone wants a chat id love to talk to anyone , add me to msn el_da_ibiza@hotmail.co.uk .

see ya all soon guys n gals x

Adam ...................
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ayup mate i think u get passes n stuff 4 the clubs so u get in free im not sure bout food n taxis hav u got anywere to stay yet
you get all your passes to the big clubs by the start of july if your workin when the prs cum rnd but other than that you have to pay for everything else ysel, when i went i took a grand and still had to lend money off my dad in may so i would take as much money as you can save.