Ibiza and Google Earth


New Member

I guess most of you know Google Maps and Google Earth already (if not, free download at http://earth.google.com/. It presents pretty detailed satellite images).
Google Maps displays street maps, satellite images or an "hybrid" overlay of the street maps over the satellite image: http://maps.google.com

Ibiza is represented in a pretty good resolution, good enough to identify buildings, clubs - whatsoever.

I collected some of my landmarks on my site, just click on the Google Maps-Link from any computer (no installation necessary) or on the Google Earth-Link.

Bar Costa: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Bar_Costa.kmz

Cafe del Mar (Maps): http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=...64,1.297653&spn=0.011809,0.027122&t=k&iwloc=A
Cafe del Mar (Google Earth): http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Cafe_del_Mar.kmz

Cafe Mar Y Sol: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Cafe_Mar_Y_Sol.kmz
Chiringay: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Chiringay.kmz
Dome: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Dome.kmz
La Masia: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_La_Masia.kmz
St. Agnes: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_St._Agnes.kmz
Villa Mercedes: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Villa_Mercedes.kmz
La Oliva: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_La_Oliva.kmz

Sa Trinxa (Google Earth: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Sa_Trinxa.kmz
Sa Trinxa (Google Maps): http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=+38°50'24.70"N+++1°23'37.78"E&ie=UTF8&z=13&t=k&om=1

Cenit Hotel: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Cenit_Hotel.kmz
Freus: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Freus_Apartments.kmz

Amnesia: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Amnesia.kmz
Eden: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Eden.kmz
EsParadis : http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Es_Paradis.kmz
Privilege Ku: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/Ibiza_Privilege_Ku.kmz
Space: http://www.hcb-promotion.de/ibiza/ibiza/Ibiza_Space.kmz

Actually I think that this is a great way to answer all those questions like "where exactly is "Sa Capella" or "La Oliva", where is that infamous Space, where are the Väth Afterparties etc. You can zoom out, identify the surroundings etc - pretty useful to see "the real thing" and not some styled map.

How to add some more?
Use http://maps.google.com to scroll over the island, center on the spot of your landmark and then click on the "email"-Icon in the upper right corner. You´ll get a link that you can post here. Pretty easy.

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there´s a possibility to share your GoogleEarth placemarks online - but there´s a lot of junk already online, not that much help.

but feel free to send me your .kmz-Files per email, I´ll insert them in the first post.
Another option would be posting the satellite coordinates (when you place a new placemark in Google Earth they are displayed there) and I´ll make a .kmz

there are lots of restaurants I would love to know exactly where they are, for example
the microsoft one, live local, actually looks better and clearer for the major cities-

unfortunately, like Google Earth at first, Ibiza is not clearly "photographed" as yet
good idea with maps.google.com - I´ll add the links for that, too.
makes actually more sense for use (although fooling around with Earth is much more fun :) )