Ibiza and Almonds!


Ibiza, ever stunning, seems particularly so when the Almond trees blossom and the countryside is decked out in 'candy floss' orchards of white and pink.

Read the full article in the main site: Ibiza and Almonds!

Comments welcome!
Do they bloom only in February?

Seems like I remember being in the St Agnes area in either June or Sept and seeing blossoms around La Corona.
february is the best month for it :!:

btw, from theibizasun:

Moon Walking
This Saturday an excursion to see the almond flowers in bloom in Santa Inés by moonlight will set off from the Town Hall at 8.00 o'clock and wind its way up hill before arriving at the small village. Refreshments will be served there in the marquee and transport will be provided for the return journey.

Fresh would be first pic from the right.
Earlier (pic 2from the right), no taste, just water and white skin