Ibiza all year living vs mainland


New Member
Hi everyone.
I come to Ibiza each summer but this summer was a revelation.
I loved everything about that island (except maybe the rude drivers).
I was already considering moving to Spain (Costa Blanca/Benidorm area) and buy a property there, I would be very close to Ibiza but it would be even better to move to the island itself, right ?
It would be paradise in the summer time but how is it really in winter ?
Are people different vs the mainland ?
Is English still wide spoken in winter ?
Is it still a tolerant place in winter ? More tolerant than mainland ?
Is there lot of things to do ?
Is it colder than costa blanca ?
I don't need a job, I'm already working remotely.
Thanks in advance :)
it's paradise even in winter, but it will be completely different than in summer. it's very quiet. so before you make the move I'd strongly recommend you to do a few weeks on the island in winter to see if you really like it. I for one love the quiet, but have met lots of people who've done one winter and then left again because it was too quiet for them. I was never a city kid so I don't need lots going on, especially after 5 months of pure summer madness.

are people different than on the mainland - most definitely yes. but trying to explain the difference could fill a book.

is english still widely spoken in winter? a lot less. you will feel more like an outsider in winter if you don't speak any spanish no question.

I'd say ibiza is always tolerant, no matter the season. a lot of people will although say it's not as tolerant as it used to be, but let's not start that discussion now...

are there a lot of things to do? depends on your tastes really. culturally there isn't that much going on in winter. cinema is mostly spanish only too. parties are only on weekends. but if you're interested in sports (walking, hiking, running, cycling, kitesurfing), then winter is an amazing time to do these kind of things.

is it colder than in costa blanca? I'd say a little bit. but the main difference is the humidity. that's actually the main issue for most people (and houses!) in the winter months.
Hi Stivi,
Thanks for your complete reply :)
I will definitively come for 2-3 weeks during winter to check by myself.
Regarding people, would you say they are more cosmopolitan,open or more insular/traditional ?
During winter, I only party on weekend ...
people - there's everything really. if you're in the more 'urban' areas (say ibiza town, san antonio) then you'll find it to be more cosmopolitan than on the mainland probably. but if you're up in san juan or in san mateo, then it's as insular and traditional as it gets! it's hard to explain, but in ibiza, on such a small rock, you'll literally find a bit of everything.

I think that one of the main points that will make you feel comfy (or not) in winter is if you speak spanish. honestly. in summer it's no problem if you don't speak spanish, but in winter you'll definitely feel more like an outsider...and feeling like an outsider just isn't nice I think.