Ibiza Airport 5 Million Up?

That is one massive plus of the scheduled flights, not arriving / departing at some ungodly hour. We have also enjoyed the convenience of long weekends / midweek breaks several times. Power to the budget airlines :)

Ibiza airport rocks too! Through passport control in a flash compared to the misery of arriving in the uk to wait up to two hours to clear security.
Might get to the point where more people come in through the airport than can find accommodation on the island!
Which makes a serious point, if Ibiza had a second runway (a la Palma) that would mean more flights. Would the second runway come first, or more hotels built? IMO Ibiza is full, we don't need any more hotels and the airport is being extended as it is.
You can build more hotels, but you can't (realistically) make the beaches any bigger. Time to draw the line - no more tourists.
There are enough hotels there to cater for the traffic that is coming through the airport. Many are in need of a refurb or an upgrade as the majority were built in the 70's.

With the package tourist in decline, the independent traveler is evidently more travel savvy, so the hotels that were designed al la the "pack em in cheap and cheerful basic mode" will not appeal to the independant tourist any more.

While the local industry is slowly moving away from the trough feed of the package holiday that they became over reliant on, it still needs to keep up with the changing trends and offer the customer what they want.

The package operators told Ibiza what they wanted and Ibiza facilitated them.........I feel its time Ibiza called the shots and provided its own unique style of hospitality.