Ibiza 89 pics

I can see them but I have a mutual friend, you can set your album privacy to friends of friends. I hope the person doesn't mind us looking!

Could show them to the guy asking what to wear in Ibiza in another post, the clothes in those pics would be like uber trendy now lol I love looking at pics from the 80's
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He had a launch of his exhibition of early Ibiza photos at Es Vive hotel whilst I was there
I think its on all season.

It was one messy messy party. Some of the worst casualties I have seen for a LONG while at 8am in the morning round the pool......:eek::eek::eek:
Some great pics there. I like the one of Adamski dancing, lost in the music :lol: And the girl in leather, like the caption says, she wouldnt get away with that in london in the day 8)