Ibiza 2016 - August 3rd-10th


Tall, (relatively) handsome Ibiza veteran, with questionable hairstyles and taste for debauchery, seeks like-minded Ibiza lovers, veterans, virgins etc for many-a-night of house groovin', swedger gobbling, and crying when Space closes.

Must not be embarrassed easily, due to hanging out with a man who has been known to fall into the Ushuaia Pool in front of large numbers, and get thrown out of Ibiza clubs for sucking dancefloor goers' nipples.

(With consent, I'm not an animal.)

Apply within.

Aka. Here.

I was duly sucked in by your witty post and would like to tender my application. A bit of a background on me:

Have been known to walk home in girls thongs after becoming (ahem) acquainted in the sea and having my own clothes nicked.
Enjoys healthy breakfasts of pints of vodka red bull washed down with colourful and mighty tasty leftover blue pills.
Extremely talkative gentleman who, when intoxicated you will find telling anyone who will listen that he's not always like this and at home he's a totally different person who doesn't take drugs and attends church every Sunday without fail with his gran.

This is just a brief outline on me but I'd be more than happy to delve into more positive sides of my personality should this message grip you like a hookers grip around your arm whilst she temptingly screams that she'll suck your knob for JUST 20 Euros!
It seems you've had great lucky lucky with the sucky sucky good sir, perhaps you applied the "Dolce and Gabana to get the sucky of banana"?
After all, with no Armani, there is no punani.

Consider your application forwarded to the next stage of recruitment, you are currently top of our one man-shortlist :p
This is excellent news.

Please do contact me if you would like to know some more, ahem, personal details. I have a whole album dedicated to my jaw and the weird and wonderful faces I can pull with it.

I am at your beck and call young gentleman.
Was that you I saw in the pool last year lol either way Ushuaia pool should be open 24/7 let it be a party.

I stayed in PDB last year was my first time and i'm definitely going again so if your organising a group i'd be down for that.

great post