Ibiza 2008


New Member

Me and 4 mates are on about going to Ibiza around the end of June 2008, Is there anywhere i could get a ball park figure for accommodation, ideally a 5 person apartment or 2 3 person places, i found one place but it seems to be in the middle of a family orientation place and i don't think our fellow holiday makers would take kindly to 5+ yahoos falling around the place at 8am a bit worse for ware to say the least, I'm not really sure where would like to stay or where would be the best place, We are all aged 20 - 25 and situated in Ireland, i have been given responsibility for the booking as i am the "Responsible" one of us,

Would i be better off to go to a Package holiday place Like Falcon or would i be better off to get it of of the net?

Would it be cheaper to book the flights separate from the accommodation?

Bear in mind i want a cheep but good place cos less money spent on accommodation the more money available for alcoholic refreshments:p
Chears man,

Another question am i being too gready wanting apartments or would 3 2 person hotel rooms be better?
There were 14 of us this year we stayed in the catalina apartments on the sunset strip, basic accomadation but in prime location, balcony overlooking sunset strip, could see the sunset every night. about a 2 minute walk from west end, above savannagh bar and next door to del mar and mambo.

*edited for mong spelling