

Well-Known Member
My friend Ed has just had the worst experience with Iberia and during a long public rant on their fb page closed it with this piece of genius...

"I can quite honestly say I'd rather nail my scrotum to the top of a large crane, use it as a rudimentary bungee rope and then plummet to an almost certain death than ever fly with you again. Thank god I'm flying back with British Airways ."
My friend Ed has just had the worst experience with Iberia and during a long public rant on their fb page closed it with this piece of genius...

"I can quite honestly say I'd rather nail my scrotum to the top of a large crane, use it as a rudimentary bungee rope and then plummet to an almost certain death than ever fly with you again. Thank god I'm flying back with British Airways ."

:twisted: .. that's funny. But does he realize they effectively merged and operate each others' flight numbers on many routes .. my "BA" flight back from Madrid to Heathrow last time was Iberia aircraft and crew :lol:

Actually to be fair I've found Iberia fine most of the time especially longhaul - but never flown economy transatlantic with them which I hear can be pretty grim :eek: .. With a choice of an Iberia BusinessPlus p!ss-up to Central America through Madrid, set against getting treated like a school child on Virgin or BA with an interrogation in the USA changing planes for good measure on the way through I know which one I'd opt for any day ;)
this guy love's a good rant. I think a blog has been setup to capture them after this latest one!
he's really tall and their ticketing system was down so he couldnt check in online , could barely check in at the airport and was given what he describes as a hand written boarding pass in biro written by a retarded child. He had to sit in the middle seat of economy for 10hours to brazil and he's nearly 6ft4......And they lost his bag.... eventually saying they could get it to him the next day , 6 hours after he'd got another flight internally. Not a happy bunny but at least all his tunes were in hand luggage!
I'd love to see him try travelling by commercial plane in Africa :lol:.

One of my most vivid memories is of a plastic bucket tied to the side of someone's seat pretty much blocking the aisle and smelling rather odd on a flight to Angola during the civil war. It finally took off after turning up without warning or notice two days later than scheduled and wound up arriving about an hour and a half before the night curfew started at the other end. This meant a heart-stopping ride into town on arrival ... or the prospect of a night on the floor of a squalid airport in the dark till morning.

When the plane hit turbulence and the lid flew off, the contents were revealed - a whole blood-stained severed cow's head. It was pretty much impossible to get meat in Luanda at the time (people lived on fish) and someone clearly felt it would be a good present to take home to the family. The whole experience did serve to help set expectations about what was really important - and what was not :lol:.