iberia/Air Nostrum flights


New Member
As a home owner in Ibiza we are unsure if we are entitled to the discounted flights. Can anyone tell me if you have to be a full time resident or if being on the electoral roll and homeowner would make us eligable.
It is something i have been meaning to ask for a while now but never got round to it. Maybe there are some other home owners that would be interested to know too. any feedback would be gratefully recieved!
BEST said:
As a home owner in Ibiza we are unsure if we are entitled to the discounted flights. Can anyone tell me if you have to be a full time resident or if being on the electoral roll and homeowner would make us eligable.
It is something i have been meaning to ask for a while now but never got round to it. Maybe there are some other home owners that would be interested to know too. any feedback would be gratefully recieved!

If I'm not wrong if you are in the electoral roll you are considered "resident" so you can get discounts in flights and ferries, but I'm sure Stephen can confirm
Thank you silvia, maybe i should enquire when we are over next week. If your thinking is right i will need to contact a local Gestor (?) to sort it out for us.
Thanks again for you advise.:D
you need a residencia card to obtain discount on your travel from ibiza to the mainland or other spanish islands. nothing else will do. sorry.
stephen said:
you need a residencia card to obtain discount on your travel from ibiza to the mainland or other spanish islands. nothing else will do. sorry.

stephent, aren't you a resident if you can vote? 8O
sil this is ibiza. there is residency and then there is residency. ec citizens no longer have to apply for residency in ibiza, and for one brief, glorious moment, as long as you were 'empadronado' in ibiza, you could get a letter from the town hall which entitled you to travel discount.
this loophole was soon closed so that only people with a residency card could get the discount.
on the topic of being registered to vote, it appears that foreigners are still 2nd class citizens again. when a foreigner registers at the town hall, they are not automatically registered to vote and have to request another form to do this. the information is never volunteered at the town hall at the time! it's just another way of preserving the status quo in local politics here.
don't get me on a rant......
stephen said:
sil this is ibiza. there is residency and then there is residency. ec citizens no longer have to apply for residency in ibiza, and for one brief, glorious moment, as long as you were 'empadronado' in ibiza, you could get a letter from the town hall which entitled you to travel discount.
this loophole was soon closed so that only people with a residency card could get the discount.
on the topic of being registered to vote, it appears that foreigners are still 2nd class citizens again. when a foreigner registers at the town hall, they are not automatically registered to vote and have to request another form to do this. the information is never volunteered at the town hall at the time! it's just another way of preserving the status quo in local politics here.
don't get me on a rant......

I see, my last information about was before the loophole being closed.
DOn't start, Stephen, you said it in your first sentence, this is Ibiza, and I add: this is Spain ;)
This disccount is for people that live in the spanish Islands. Not for people that lives for they holidays.
European citizens that live permantly in the islands are obliged to have the residency card (unless that they are in the exception cases ) the same that spanish should have a DNI.
As you can all see- read below- I mean the ones who knows spanish, same requiments are asked to spanish people and European citizens to be able to get the discount, in the case of spanish the DNI and in the case of european citizens the resident card.
In the case that on my DNI I havent got an address in Balearic Islands but I live in the Balearic Islands, then I have to go to the council.
Before they didn't ask DNI to spanish people just certificado de empadronamiento, when they changed the rules ( because is a stupid thing to ask you to bring a certificado of empadronamiento if you own DNI says you live in the islands) , and started to ask the DNI to spanish of course they started to ask the residency card to european citizens, just the same as they do to spanish people living in the islands. But if you address in you card is diferent from you real one, for example now you live in Ibiza but you DNI or you european card says Madrid, then you just have to go to the your council and you will be given in the 2 cases the paper that says that you are resident in the Balearic Islands. And resident in the Balearic Island in this particulary law is that you are empadronado in that particular village. Ofcourse plus being a resident in the islands you must be spanish or an european citizen.

Aviación Civil

Requisitos necesarios para la obtención de la subvención en el transporte aéreo a los ciudadanos españoles ó de los países miembos de la unión europea ó del espacio económico eruropeo, residentes en las islas Canarias, Ceuta, Melilla y las illes Balears.

1.- Será valido para acreditar la condición de residente ante la compañía de transporte o la agencia expedidora del billete el documento nacional de identidad en vigor o, en el caso de los nacionales de otros estados miembros de la Unión Europea o de los demás estados firmantes del Acuerdo sobre el Espacio Económico Europeo, la tarjeta de residencia, siempre que en tales documentos conste el domicilio de residencia que da derecho a la bonificación.

2.- En aquellos casos en los que no conste, en los documentos antes citados, el domicilio de residencia que da derecho a la bonificación, deberá presentarse además , certificado suscrito por el Ayuntamiento en el que los interesados tengan su residencia, conforme al modelo indicado en el Anexo 1-A del Real Decreto 1316/2001.
3.- En el caso de personas que se encuentren realizando el servicio militar o personal de tropa, la acreditación de residencia será mediante certificado suscrito por el Jefe del Servicio correspondiente al lugar de destino activo, según modelo oficial indicado en Anexo I-B del Real Decreto.
4.- Los miembros del Congreso de los Diputados y del Senado podrán acreditar la condición de residente mediante presentación de la credencial de las correspondientes Cámaras, en la que conste, además del nombre y apellidos, el documento nacional de identidad y la circunscripción del Diputado o Senador electo.
5.- Los menores de 14 años, sin D.N.I, deberán acreditar su residencia mediante certificado suscrito por el Ayuntamiento en el que los interesados tengan su residencia, haciendo constar su fecha de nacimiento
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