I often ask stupid questions, here's a few...


New Member
How thorough are bag searches in the big clubs? Can you get your own bottles of water in? The cost of this first time trip is spiraling scarily for me and I only have my own income to rely on so I am really limited in terms of being able to spend 20-30 euros for every drink for 3 or 4 club trips.

Ta for any advice. :D
Despite having never done so myself, because Privilege's water comes from a spring or something like that, the tap water in the bog (apt) is drinkable. When you sweat you will smell like a burst sewage pipe, but hey ho, save a few bob eh?
I've seen people filling up water bottles in clubs but wouldn't risk it! Seems to be mainly the locals that do it.
Privilege smells like a sewer so I defo wouldn't do it in there!!!:)

I've never smuggled water in myself as I always tend to get my bag searched. I must have one of those faces!

I have also had a rather 'intimate' search at the door of Space where the (female) bouncer patted my lady parts!!!:eek: I felt very violated!!!
Aye, its beyond rank. I could still smell that privilege smell back home in Scotland off my mate the grotty bastard.
I think I've already heard enough to put me off!!! I wouldn't risk tap water anyhoo but now I don't think I'll bother with the club either, kind of glad it's not one I've booked!
I've seen people filling up water bottles in clubs but wouldn't risk it! Seems to be mainly the locals that do it.
Privilege smells like a sewer so I defo wouldn't do it in there!!!:)

I've never smuggled water in myself as I always tend to get my bag searched. I must have one of those faces!

I have also had a rather 'intimate' search at the door of Space where the (female) bouncer patted my lady parts!!!:eek: I felt very violated!!!

You must be a looker if the bouncer took a liking to you
Try drinking a large bottle of water from a supermarket a couple of hours before you hit a club so your body should be fine for fluids. That way you should only need one or two drinks in the club to refresh your mouth whilst your there.
Do a double-dose of Rehydration salts in 1/2 a litre of water (the ones they sell for people with the runs) both before and after a night of clubbing. You can get them in the chemist/supermarket. Keeps you properly hydrated in there and does wonders for how you feel next day. Litre of water from a supermarket can be under a euro.
Water in the down stairs toilets at Ku is fine (and tastes decent) It comes from a natural spring and drank it for years.