i need help!


New Member
hey everyone,in the summer of 2004 i worked in tenerife playa de las americas for 2mths as a pr an i loved it .the only problem was that it wasnt really all that busy!so in 2005 my m8s an i r planning on goin to ibiza for the whole summer possibly leaving in l8 april!now the only problem is ...ive never been to ibiza b4!is it much different to the way things things worked in tenerife?is it easy to get prin jobs!is the pay good?does it work on commision or do u get a basic?wheres the best places to stay is the accomodation cheap or expensive?please please help as its gettin to the end of 2004 an im gonna have to start to make arrangements for next year!please if you think that you can help me out in ne way please wb! thanku! TASHAxx

the pay is pretty poor, and you'll probably be best off staying in san antonio. Your more like to get a job quicker in san antonio than anywhere else. The days are long and hard, but great fun at the same time.
Get Out there!

San An will be best for you, loads and loads and loads of PR jobs, and there is plenty of accomation
Get Out there!

San An will be best for you, loads and loads and loads of PR jobs, and there is plenty of accomation