I blame Gordon Ramsay Meself


Active Member
I work a driving job in the mornings to bring in some essential cash and to keep Mr T happy (;))

I deliver to the catering trade, this morning I dropped this gear down in the kitchen of this particular place and the (Richard) head chef waited for me to bring the whole lot in before he burst into a hissy fit about me "leaving it there, have you no sense"

"Ive been leaving the stuff there for the past 18 months you mug!!! and me get sense, why wait for me to bring the whole lot in before you say something ya feckin lemon,:evil::evil::evil:

"Don't swear at me I didn't swear blah blah blah"

"Shut up and flip your burgers like your paid to do"

Why is it the ever since ol' Gordon has hit our screens these wannabee's give it the large and think they can talk to whoever they want how they want"

I did score a latte from his protege who seemed to enjoy our exchange along with some other members of the staff.:D:D:D