I am writing a website article about Ibiza winter clubbing


New Member
I am writing an article about winter clubbing in Ibiza for a very well known website. I am looking for some contacts to interview, for example people who own clubs / bars, promoters and DJs who are all involved in putting on parties / nights during the winter months.

If anyone can put me in touch with someone who may be willing to do a quick interview either by phone or e-mail, it will be a good bit of promotion for their party.

Please let me know feel free to PM me.
Re: I am writing a website article about Ibiza winter clubbi

LizzG said:
I am writing an article about winter clubbing in Ibiza for a very well known website
this one maybe? ;)


good one. at least you investigated a little bit not like other websites that just copy + paste and dont mention the source. last spring there was one website ("the local experts for ibiza offering you a virtual VIP pass to get into the A-List Worlds of Mayhem and Madness that are the Balearics") that copied in one of their newsletters almost word by word what we posted here during the winter (adding some funny mistakes of course :lol: ). real experts..........