!!!I am Mixmags Bedroom Hero June 2004!!!



and my name is Andy!!!...not adam as misprinted 2 out of 3 times in the article.

Anyway Im still made up with it, and Imcoming on here because Im looking for a club to take me to IBIZA

If any one with a night/club is interested then please get in contact with me, 07708382446 mobile number (no answering service, try again if i cant answer the first time or tx me). And Il supply a demo CD of the one tracklisted to anyone serious.

thanks alot! :D im desperate to get over to yers

My problem is not having the cah to get to ibiza in the first place, any suggestions? otherwise id aklready have my ticket booked.
Well done mate! I remember reading about you. If you do get to Ibiza take the mag with you and show it to bar owners, then let them listen to the tape. What music do u play?
Cheers man!

I play all styles of house tro be honest, but i reckon im goin down a funky tribal path at the moment. I love tribal beats and jump up funky party stuff, but i throw in a few classics here and there and a mate says ive got bit of erric morillo style in me. Though ive never boin to a morillo night, not for lack of trying, and ive never listened to a full cd or anything by him.

If i can get the cash together and the balls to go then i will, but its all down to money. I have none - gutted! so unless something amazing happens then it might have to wait till next year. we'll see what happens though hey? you never know, but if i do, that mag is goin everywhere with me!
Morillo and the rest of the subliminal crew have a great sound at the moment, he mixes on CD decks and remixes tracks live. If u get a chance listen to the essential mix he did late last year. I know what u mean about having the ball to go, i just booked the flight straight away, so ive got no excuse now!
Nice one mate

Well done, i remember reading about you as well,

just one question for you, you ever play cricketers, or wigan pier, i think i my have see ya face round fella, if you over there around 25aug ill like to meet up, im taking my vinyl over so if i get any luck ill text you, i got your number...
the only place ive ever played in wigan is baa bar a few weeks ago, if it aint scouse house or cheesy pop shit rnb theres no market in wigan, oh i forgot old skool.

Got tickets booked now for ibiza - im goin on the 14th of july for 9/10 days, got one day time set sorted out, need more so....

im in ibiza from the 14th of june - i want places to play, if your interested, PM me or something!!!
Andy, I have a suggestion for you, and depending on how much you want to play over there will determine whether or not you laugh at me, or tell me to p*ss off, or otherwise!!

I play for Vicky Devine, (Charlies Angelz @ Play 2) please don't let this thread turn into a play2's shit or Play 2's wicked debate as usual!! ;)

E mail me for her private e mail addy. then e mail her ure mixmag piece and start blagging! (aint that what a dj does best!) ;) :D

Right, the bit where u laugh or cry!.....Its an all female night, they have had male jocks play but on the obvious condition!! Yep....u have to dress as a bird! ;) You'll be surprised at how many male dj's are up for a laugh and do it.

Its all fun and at the end of the day thats what Ibiza's about, and you never know, I plated last year for the angelz and ended up doing a set at Eden 2 days later! :D