Hybrid Y4K

I wouldn't say its as obvious breaks like the other 2 Y4K's I have, but it is somewhat breaky, and it has Hybrid's distinctive style over it...I can't quite describe it, it certainly needs some more listens and is very very refreshing from all the funky house I've been listening to recently
i purchased sander kleinenberg's new cd - really good. deep house, and dirty electro style breaks - proper bo, i tell thee!
which one is that? I think he released an Essential Mix CD a while back, I guess it is more recent than that? I am a big fan of Sander, only seen him once and he was fantastic
Know what you mean about needing a break from funky house, I've been caining the stanton warriors essential mix and a Dennis Hupla mix a mate sent me... they're so refreshing... :)
a hybrid fan!!!

i've been after hybrids burning remix... the epic one... for years.

any ideas??