Hows Ibiza in the last week of June into first week of July?


New Member
im used to it being jammed for the Radio 1 weekend so in comparison to that i guess....i also wanted to be in europe for Euro-Cup 2004 and that week is the finals and semi finals...maybe watch the game at the bar in playa d'en bossa...what nationality is dominant that time of summer by the way (just wanted to know but not that it makes a long as us americans are the minority it will be fine with me....i love partying with the europeans)...i may also stop in the UK for a few days before i leave
been two yrs now both at end of june for the 2 opening weeks. brilliant time there both yrs.........just before the "lad crowd" show up (tends to be early july) so faily quiet..........clubs are all clean and fresh and not too crowded which is nice, never had to queue much or anything, not overly rammed either............atmosphere is great as ppl are well up for it at beginning of season, happy feeling, everyone grateful the ibiza season is underway :) djs also fresh and happy to be starting a new season aswell

def a nice time to go imo
Everything is up & running by then mate ! Im there from June 26th - 3rd July 8)
last week of june firsst week of july is when i usually go. ive been for radio 1 weekend before and when it comes to the clubs there is no difference. there just as good then as they are any time of the year. the only thing different for me was not as many people on the street but i see that as a good thing :)
I have been to Ibiza twice in August, both during the radio 1 weekend, and then last year we went last week of June/early July and much preferred it to August. I don't think I would ever go in August again. Found it much cheaper to go in June too!

I found the atmosphere alot more exciting being the beginning of the season and yet more chilled, and like GazDaBomb said it is quieter which I also see as a good thing (plenty of room on the beaches to sunbathe etc).

We are going again on 26th June to 10th July and I can't wait.
a up mate

I will be at the Jet Bossa Appartments at the same time as you
I normanly go about this time and allways quality
Might see you around

i would say it jsut kicked off, more club minded people the beer boys.
not as busy which i prefere.

the weather is also great.. plus the prices to get then are cheaper.
I always go this time of year and its top! Cheaper entrances, not too busy and it gives you enough time to save for the Space closing when you get back ;)
Last summer I was there for the month of July. The first two weeks were less crowded. We could go to any restaurant and eat without a reservation, we could park almost anywhere. By the end of July the clubs were packed, parking was harder, and a dinner reservation was a must! This summer I'll be there from June 30th - July 16th.