How was your weekend?


Bank holiday in Glasgow today , gave me plenty time to catch up in some sleep after a mad day yesterday , out all day on mates stag /subway pub crawl ..Glasgow underground is called the Clockwork Orange for those out with scotland , thus we went round dressed as the Droogs from the film :)

Dunno how we managed it but talked our way into Subclub to finish the night :lol:...think the sight of some bowler hatted Droogs had folk a wee bit freaked out as the night wore on in there:)

Brilliant laugh:)
Just got home from a weekend in Tel Aviv!

One of my favorite cities and a bunch of my friends from Moscow, Jo'burg, NYC, etc. were there for my friends' wedding (he's Israeli, she's Russian). Also got to catch up with a colleague of mine who is down there on maternity leave.

Arrived Saturday, watched football with aforementioned colleague & husband, had dinner with the wedding gang, then went to a beachfront outdoor nightclub called Clara. Beautiful setting for the club but the music was a bit crap, especially after having just left Ibiza on Friday! I could only tolerate it for about an hour.

Sunday I met up with the colleague & husband again to go to what is supposedly the best hummous cafe in Tel Aviv. In the evening, attended the wedding which was in another gorgeous seafront venue. The ceremony was on the rooftop terrace overlooking the Med. Top notch event!

Today I had lunch on the beach with a couple of friends from the wedding gang, then drinks with another couple of the guys before heading to the airport (3 hrs in advance... Israeli security is brutal!).

Great trip overall although some personal issues heavily weighed on my mood the first 2 days. Cheered up some today though and looking back very glad I went 8)
Terrifying - ran a workshop for 20 at a festival.

Prepared all week so when it was finally over I collapsed in a heap of exhaustion...only to get up early doors to do set up and door at the Loft.

The Loft, as always, was a family affair - unlike any conventional nightclub out there. Perfect music from 1970 to the present, amazing sound and great way to dance in the Equinox. 8)
ALFOS at Dalston superstore. Terriffic music, no-where else can you go and hear "that" music at the moment. It just flows so effortless from start to to finish, playihg from 9 to 4 absolutly passed by.

sometimes you just can't beat that small dark heads down sweat dripping basement felling.

Super crowd out as well.
(Forced) Long weekend - mix of cooking, exercise, lots of films and Dark Souls. It's a grey Tuesday, with no deviance to justify it. :rolleyes:
ALFOS at Dalston superstore. Terriffic music, no-where else can you go and hear "that" music at the moment. It just flows so effortless from start to to finish, playihg from 9 to 4 absolutly passed by.

sometimes you just can't beat that small dark heads down sweat dripping basement felling.

Super crowd out as well.

YES - really wanted to go but had loads on.

Have to say ALFOS does need to be in a dark basement (and I love the soopastore)...the last offering on the Brixton roof terrace didn't quite cut it.
ALFOS at Dalston superstore. Terriffic music, no-where else can you go and hear "that" music at the moment. It just flows so effortless from start to to finish, playihg from 9 to 4 absolutly passed by.

sometimes you just can't beat that small dark heads down sweat dripping basement felling.

Super crowd out as well.
Im well up for A love From Outer Space on friday in glasgow8)...jealous of the 7hr marathon you guys got in london though!

the last time in glasgow was mates are also going to ADE to see the weatherall v. Dj Harvey night which will be pretty special as well..(sadly no amsterdam jaunt for me though

(im also reminded by this that i need to get the weatherall signed masterpice lp packaged up to give to my mate on saturday as his wedding present:)...also just noticed the other day, that weatheral signed his name with the crossed swords, from the sabres of paradise artwork / lp pressings, underneath...always the swashbuckler renegade from the chairman8)

space chug 122bpm

mr vodka, you fancy ALFOS on friday? give me a shout, its my mates wedding the next day, and i will be 'taking it easy', but still fancy going along to the berkeley suite....pressure @ the arches does have a pretty damn good lineup as well...options options...but ALFOS wins it for me, although others i know are going along for the tanzmann , pan pot effect.
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YES - really wanted to go but had loads on.

Have to say ALFOS does need to be in a dark basement (and I love the soopastore)...the last offering on the Brixton roof terrace didn't quite cut it.

Agreed, basement and a love from outer space was a match made in heaven
my mates are also going to ADE to see the weatherall v. Dj Harvey night which will be pretty special as well..(sadly no amsterdam jaunt for me though

Yay - bagged a ticket to see Harvey at Oval Space in Oct.
Not bad.

Quiet non-alcoholic pub visit on Thursday and Friday - the pubs were empty, so I'm guessing everyone is skint the week before payday.

Saturday I ended up in London. Thought I would take a stroll past Fabric on the off chance it might not be rammo - I wanted to pop in and see Ben Simms play. A quick look at the queue and the type of people in the queue made me walk straight past. So many Essex looking people. I've never seen so many snap backs, vests and glasses in my life in such a small area. Especially on a chilly dark night in the smoke. I presume the whole of Essex has heard of Eats Everything and Art Department and as such attracted the whole of Essex. Not my scene at that point (no offence).

Didn't have enough cash to get anywhere else in London by cab that night - there were some good nights about - so ended up walking to Hoxton for a couple and shamefully ended up in Aquarium on Old Street. Not bad music, but I was fairly battered. Highlight was the closing song - Frank Wiedemann & Ry Cuming - Howling (Âme Remix)being played. First time to hear it in a club, everyone loved it.
Not bad.

Quiet non-alcoholic pub visit on Thursday and Friday - the pubs were empty, so I'm guessing everyone is skint the week before payday.

Saturday I ended up in London. Thought I would take a stroll past Fabric on the off chance it might not be rammo - I wanted to pop in and see Ben Simms play. A quick look at the queue and the type of people in the queue made me walk straight past. .[/SIZE]

You gave up the chance to see Sims play? You nutter :spank:
You gave up the chance to see Sims play? You nutter :spank:

Yep, I'm still yet to see him play :( Wonder how many people were in the queue to see him specifically.....not many I bet.

People were queing for 4 hours and didn't get in. Absolute joke. Luckily I didn't wait around for more than 10 minutes. I know when Fabric is gonna be too busy and turn into a hole. Had the gangster types floating around too, the sort looking for trouble.

I love how I get looked at like I'm a nutter/weirdo when I ask politely with P's and Q's to move through a crowd on the dance floor. Apparently you have to pull a screw phase and barge your way through :rolleyes: