how to get taxis off the bigger cities?


Well-Known Member
i'm planning on staying at a finca this time, somewhere around san raffael, cala carbo or tarida. we will be hiring a car but i'd like to drink something before going to clubs so i'm wondering whether it is a problem getting taxis to pick us up from my finca and bring us to the clubs.

from previous stays i know that taxis can get a bit scarce and i'm wondering whether they really come to pick us up when we call. Don't want to wait for hours for my taxi.

and can you estimate how much it will cost from somewhere around tarida or carbo to, say, amnesia or pacha?
... staying at a finca ... somewhere around ...
... wondering whether it is a problem getting taxis to pick us up ...
big problem, i mean really BIG.
you will loose hours and hours of precious holiday-time waiting for those taxis
and often they just never show up, because drivers are too stupid/lazy/whatever
to search for hidden fincas in the middle of nowhere.

someone of your group just shouldn´t drink so that you can take the rentalcar
back and forth to the clubs !