how to enquire about a refund after the event?!?????


New Member
Does any one know what is the process for trying to get some sort of refund if u r not happy with a certain event??? My friend and I had bought tickets for the Radio 1 event at Privalige last night tho were both extremly dissapointed and for our own health and safety we left after only 20minutes!!! The venue itselft was amazing but the concerning point was that it had over exceeded its capasity and u you couldnt move let alone dance there!! It was quite a horrible experience and judging by what other fellow clubber were saying. a lot of people felt the same way!! So any feed back would be greatly appreciated on this subject! Thanks!
hi janin,

i'm afraid we can't issue a refund if you attended the party. however i shall speak to cream to try to get some clarity. sorry you didn't enjoy yourself.
It's been like this for years, its always exceeding capacity, not by the odd few, but by a hell of a lot
I doubt very much that just becausee your 'unhappy' you'll get a refund. If you felt unsafe why not take it up with the bar and manager there and then? Seems a bit odd you went and want a refund. Spotlight already does these tickets so cheap, its no wonder its a sellout event, you should really complain to the club
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