How much will it cost to get a tooth filling in Ibiza?

never had one but i just paid 60 euros to have my teeth cleaned whiter than white ( i think it's called scale and polish?)
Im going in a couple of days and need a filling but cant
get an appointment in england in time!

My friend had some root canal work done (I know its not similar) the other day here and it cost her about 400€....not cheap! I think a filling was quite pricey too but depends if you want white or silver.....

Just drink lots of whisky to ease the pain until you get back!! :lol:
im going to the dentist for the 1st time in around 11years on 1st june!! i know, really wish i went more often - just never carde about em... bet theyll be massive work that needs doin on em - so how easy is it to get dentist work done in ibiza? is it generally more expensive/same/cheaper than uk? COuld do with my teeth getting sorted cos red bull tends to cause my teeth to hurt quite alot the morning after...