How much money do i need?


New Member
Hi. Ive never been to ibiza b4 but will b going for 2 weeks in mid august with my girlfriend. We are only plannin to go clubbing bout 4 times a week. how much money do u recommend we take. Cheers. cant wait :D
If you do a search you'll find loads of threads about this and people's opinions on it.

Yes the big clubs are expensive, prob about 35-50 euros to get in (you can save money by buying tickets in advance and they normally come with one free drink) and drinks in the big clubs can be expensive, especially water which can be 8 euros for little bottle in Pacha :roll:

But you can do lots of things on the cheap in Ibiza, drink in apartment before you go out or some of the cheaper bars in San Antonio when you're not doing the big clubs.

For a 2 week holiday me and my b/friend normally take £2000-£2500 between us and we go out clubbing A LOT :lol: like to eat at some fancy restaurants and I drink A LOT :lol:
you really could have tried the search function or even just looking at the other forums seeing as this has been asked several times in the last few days.

around £100 a day, each is a good base to aim for, some days will xost more, some wont.

though it can be as expensive or as inexpensive as you like.

tyr searching for terms such as "price" "cost" "spending money" and you will get a better picture what you want to do and where you want to do and a better idea of what things cost.

also try reading some of the reviews people breakdown what they have spent.
£100 a day is a good wage to measure it with. Somedays you will spend less, you dont eat out in a plush restaurant and you just have a cuople of drinks in town or on the beach, then some nights you eat out and spend a fortune on a night out in a ibiza town and head of to pacha.

It's all swings and roundabouts but you should aim to have that much per day.

hth :D
walmstian said:
Didnt realise bout the search thing. sorry :oops:

S'ok ;)

You'll be able to read lots of people's opinions on money to take cos it's always asked and hints and tips how to do things on the cheap etc ;)
over the past 10 times ive been its always been around 1200 for a 2 matter how much i try and cut back. thats having a few cheap drinks at home or in cheap bars before going clubbing. Eat out quite a bit.

take advantage of free tickets to nights at eden and es paradis, that you can pick up from pre club bars, flyerers have cheap nights out too. the clubs arent a patch on those outside san an...but its a cheap night.
I don't have as much money this year and plan for going for a week in September. Really cant afford it, but it's Ibiza...I need to go :twisted: :P :P

So, I'll be taking about £500 for one week, which will include no eating out, drinking, or day time activities :lol:

All the money I have will be spent on clubbing :lol: :lol: ;)
I spent about £1200 this year and that did me, we went to the big clubs about 6 times, I would recommend at least £1500 to bring with you as my friend spent £1000 in the first week as its easy done.