how much-help?


New Member
i know this will have been asked before but i cant find anything. im also sure its hard to answer but i want peoples opinions

how much money should i take per week while im away?
i wanna have plenty to buy some extra things i like and live comfortably. not scraping the moneys together for a burger type thing hehe

any suggestions?
need about 1000 to be comfortable and not worry about stuff imo. i spent 1200 quid last year but that was doin a big club each night and drinking and whatever else quite heavy
pizza and beer!!

you could have 10 pints a night and a pizza in the pink panther for 140 pound for the week :lol: even the odd orgasm if you ask nice...that is a cocktail of course
suepink said:
you could have 10 pints a night and a pizza in the pink panther for 140 pound for the week :lol: even the odd orgasm if you ask nice...that is a cocktail of course

and its the best place to get soft drinks for your room at the Xaloc when you arrive at 4am with a thirst

Pacha said:
I take £600 per week and dont have any trouble spending it :)

Oh god - I spend everything I've got, except for maybe 30 Euros for the airport.

Hudson said:
I'm not to sure on how much pint's of lager are in Ibiza so i can't work out roughly how much i'd need.

Now you're asking - I can't remember the last time I bought a pint there. I'm going to take a guess at about 2 Euros in a normal bar/restaurant.