How many sleeps

Eurgh 222 for me.
I need to get my final exams and dissertation out of the way. So I'm hoping when that is done and dusted the countdown won't be too bad.
Being 27 at uni is grim...
0 for me as I'm already here. but I'm still getting excited thinking about the summer coming back, endless days, life on the beach (at least for an hour or two), scuba diving, the island being the epicentre of music again, opening parties....aaaah ibiza summer how I love you.
29 days :)
Quite a depressing thought as only one trip this year and only a long weekend at that! :( due to current financial commitments it's very unlikely I'll get back in September for my birthday. Might have to throw my phone away so I don't keep reading about everyone's amazing holidays :( lol
169 to 171 days depending on when I go. Jesus... that's depressing.

If I can afford it, may go out for a cheeky early season thing. See what the lineups are like in a few months.