How fast can I get a job/NIE/accomodation...?


New Member
I'm thinking of going to Ibiza next summer, and I was wondering how quickly can you get a job there? Is it possible to get some job in a week?

Also, do all the employers really require their workers to have a NIE? What kind of a process is that? How fast can you get it?

I'd rather not stay in a hotel the hole time, because it's expensive, so is it easy to rent some kind of apartment or a shared flat in there?

I read from the website that the best time to seek jobs is around May, but I can't go there before the beginning of July, so will there be any work left for me? I'm planing to stay there at least a couple of months (or a month, depends on how things turn out) so will there be work available in the autum?

All replies are really appreciated. :)
1st off its easy enough to get a job in a week if u put ur mind to it, not all jobs require a National Insurance Number, as most r cash in hand, the only ones that do require it r the big gun companys like mambo etc.

i went this year for a holiday @ the End of July and ended up getting a job piece off piss, in fact i could have had many jobs, ok fair play there not the best jobs on the island but for them ur probably need to head there in may unless ur very very lucky.

i ended staying there till early Oct :D

Damn good times buddy, u'll have the time of ur life!!!
ahh yeah, about accomodation, if u do wot i did it works out pretty well, start off when u just got ur job living in a relativly cheap hostel, then once ur settle in ur job keep asking collegues and fellow workers (who u'll get to know) if they know of any spare rooms in apartments amongst the workers.

this is wot i did,....i started by paying 15-20 euros a night @ Hostel Horizonte, then got chatting and ended up paying :eek: 60 euros a week! :D for a room in an apartment!