How Drugs Work - BBC3

Johnny Vodka

Well-Known Member
Anyone been watching these? Really enjoyed the last two episodes on cannabis and ecstasy - a pretty balanced look at the two drugs. Loved last night's show with all the old rave footage, mad dancing, gurning, etc, but also the stuff about MDMA's potential in therapy.

I saw nothing in that programme to change my mind that MDMA has been utterly demonised (with the few deaths/illnesses, I'm not even sure they could back up that MDMA was 100% responsible) and came away quite angry that other people in similar situations to the woman who lost her husband can't legally use it in therapy (though it looks like we could be getting there slowly).

N.B. I was so excited at 'the following the two people taking MDMA over a night out' stuff that I had to go for something akin to a come-up crap halfway through. :oops: :lol:
what is used for in therapy? mobility?

Didnt see this program but I have read about it being used in councilling. There was a women who had been attacked and it was only after taking it with her therapist that allowed her to open up about it and move on.
Counselling. There was a touching diversion into the story of an American woman who couldn't accept her husband's terminal illness, leading to a breakdown in their relationship. Her friend suggested they should take MDMA together and it helped them work through their problems. She also had MDMA counselling sessions after his death.

There's now going to be a legal experiment (not sure whether it's in the UK or in the U.S.) conducted to see whether MDMA counselling sessions can help soldiers get over post traumatic stress disorder.

My impression is there's growing opinion in the scientific community that it could be a very useful drug.

They must also surely accept then that the dangers are overrated? It's all about drug quality, dosage and people being able to use it above board in a supervised enviroment.
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Hubby's brother watched the one on cannabis last week and has now given it up.

He's smoked it since he was a teenager and has constantly been stuck in a cycle of crap jobs, crap relationships, moving out, moving back to Moms when he got into debt, getting depressed, having a smoke to take his mind of it......etc etc but he's never made (or refused to acknowledge) the connection that the gear may be playing a part in getting him down and holding him back.
I believe bigging up drugs is almost as bad as saying 'you will die' if you take them. Educating people on the BAD and the good is better, because there are some pretty bad side effects

Are they having any of these programs on hallucinogenics? That might be interesting lol after watching that doctor last week take psilocybin and have an mri scan that was pretty funny when he couldn't stop talking after :lol:
I think it ends next weekend with cocaine. The two programmes so far have explored how cannabis/MDMA can make people see/hear things differently, so maybe they thought a programme on LSD unnecessary.
Of all the documentaries ive seen this has probably been the fairest.

Thought the girls night out is representative of what happens up and down the country and her views on the subject probably reflects what most of the users think.

Liked the european bloke who took mdma in the lab room who said he just wanted to listen to house music and dance.
I've seen a really good, old pro-MDMA documentary. It might have been an American one or certainly had a lot of focus on early use (late 70s/early 80s). Can't remember what it's called but I did manage to stream it online.
it was the best i have seen on mdma for week cocaine. should be very boring unless its
someone wrote something on faith that made me cry

"if you want to see the evidence of excess drug use, check out rampling and proctors' facebook updates"

:D :D
Didnt see this program but I have read about it being used in councilling. There was a women who had been attacked and it was only after taking it with her therapist that allowed her to open up about it and move on.

I think this was called "Ecstacy Rising". It was ABC report in 2002 or 2003. You can find it on youtube in a 5 part series.
like Ferd said, i also thought these documentaries were the fairest i've seen.

Thanks to the media, MDMA get's a bad name, when in fact has been proven to be less damaging than alcohol & nicotine. This show showed how it works, what happens to cause the effects inside your body etc, i thought it was very informative, although i knew most of it, since i have researched this own personal.....use.

Not a big fan of Weed though, just makes me tired and hungry, and i definitely don't need a drug that makes me wanna eat :lol:
Anyone see the cocaine one last night?

Never really been a coke fan and nothing in the programme persuaded me that I should try to gain an appreciation of it.

That said, I found the sight of gangs of piggies swabbing and testing people on the street or going into clubs as disturbing as the nose surgery, tales of heart attacks, etc. :rolleyes: