How Difficult is it to get Space Opening Party Tickets?


New Member

We are planning to go the the Space Opening Party. Should we buy our tickets before we go or will we be ok to buy them when we get there? We bought our tickets there last time we went, but that wasn't for an opening/closing party and I wondered whether demand outstripped supply for these.


We are planning to go the the Space Opening Party. Should we buy our tickets before we go or will we be ok to buy them when we get there? We bought our tickets there last time we went, but that wasn't for an opening/closing party and I wondered whether demand outstripped supply for these.


You will get a ticket.
This very website usually sells tickets for Space. Keep an eye on the tickets selling page
it´s more likely that the sky is falling down
or amy winehouse taking a shower



serious, if you turn up at 4am you will still able to get in... these days it will NEVER sell out, don't worry
take care about when you actually arrive. Even if you have a ticket, if its rammed inside they will not let you in (at least not for several hours)
they are perfectly happy to 'oversell' the opening party and have done so for years
For the same reason, many, many people have complained about dancefloors being crushed during parts of the space opening. If you look over the reviews people have given of the space opening you'll actually find precious few highly positive ones considering the high reputation of the event. Its not that you can't enjoy yourself there, but think carefully about arrival and leaving times