How did Ibiza become a huge party mecca? What is the Ibiza's nightlife history?


New Member
I tried looking this information up in old threads, wikipedia, google but they all come back with very vague information. If anyone knows Ibiza's nightlife history and how/why this beautiful island became such a huge party location. Could you please send me a link/video/article? Thanks!
Are you writing an article on Ibiza?

First bringing up Vegas then the history of Ibiza?

Plenty of information out there, plenty of threads on here too.
Are you writing an article on Ibiza?

First bringing up Vegas then the history of Ibiza?

Plenty of information out there, plenty of threads on here too.
Yes, there are plenty of threads on spotlight that are about "books on ibiza" or recommendations, musical history, books on history of house music, Ibiza hotel history, Ibiza bar history, history of music on ibiza. I'm specifically trying to find concrete sources of why/how Ibiza became a staple in clubbing. I'm not writing any article, don't know why there is offense towards simply asking a question. If anything the moderators can delete this thread.
I'd say the history of Ibiza is incredibly well documented and very easy to come across. In a very abridged format it sort of went: hippies > big clubs/celbs> english djs/good pills > media coverage (ibiza uncovered for example) > cheap flights > today
I have to admit, I thought you might be a journalist too after your last thread.

No offence taken, it wouldn't be the first time :lol:

So you're just really interested in the business side of it? Have you been charged with creating the new party mecca?
I'd say the history of Ibiza is incredibly well documented and very easy to come across. In a very abridged format it sort of went: hippies > big clubs/celbs> english djs/good pills > media coverage (ibiza uncovered for example) > cheap flights > today


pretty much in a nutshell

Can you shorten it to a haiku?
The Bhagwan Rajneesh cult (which had a 'family' in Ibiza) being broken up by the US government for tax evasion is a good place to start.