how can I avoid the gurning?



What town should I be looking in assuming I'm looking for somthing a bit more mature? I'm not talking pensioners with no swimsuits here :eek: , just less of the gurning party kids.

Thanks, Joe
Ibiza Town is the place for you 8)

I assume you still want to party? If not then you could choose Santa Eulalia too.
Yeah, I like clubs, just slightly more classy joints.
places that wont have alot of kids wearing jerseys.

Pacha is the best club for a little bit classier people. Good international DJ:s, best club nights and no football shirts.

El Divino is okay too and has not so young ;) crowd. Beautiful terrace but maybe too small place to have really big time fun.

For daytime partying Space is your choice. And you can check Bora-Bora bar also. Sundays@ Space are MUST. Go there from 4pm until 12pm.

Freaks come out in DC-10@Mondays - if you want to experience.

These clubs you can forget Eden, Es Paradis, Amnesia and Privilege.

Have good time :!: