House price crash


Active Member
Out of interest - anyone badly affected by the prospect of this?

I'm ok thankfully so a 40% fall won't really affect me that much...any 100% mortgage people worried by the next two years? :confused:

Oh and happy Easter. :lol: :confused:
you're chief scaremonger round here on this issue.:spank::lol:

it won't fall 40%, it won't fall 20%. in fact prices have only fallen a fraction of % in some areas.

whenever the BBC says house prices are falling, they're usually talking about the annual increase in value falling. so instead of being 10% p.a. it's now 2% or similar. still going up in most places, but not outpacing inflation.
you're chief scaremonger round here on this issue.:spank::lol:

it won't fall 40%, it won't fall 20%. in fact prices have only fallen a fraction of % in some areas.

whenever the BBC says house prices are falling, they're usually talking about the annual increase in value falling. so instead of being 10% p.a. it's now 2% or similar. still going up in most places, but not outpacing inflation.

What he said..........:lol:
On the scottish news y-day it said my town(peterhead)that prices were still on the increase-up 33% since this time last year!!
so long as the govt decide not to build enough new homes and let more people migrate here in uncontrolled numbers demand will outweigh supply, thus keeping prices high.

even if the rates go up and more people get repossessed there will be some mug to fill that void and on we go...
Often when the media comment on falling prices, they're taking their stats from Lending Sources, and what they're actually saying is that the average Mortgage levels applied for are falling!
The market is obviously not a confident environment, but London is a Micro Market in its own right!
Sold my flat, everything in it, car and everything else i owned apart from clothes on my back before i went traveling last year so i'm not too worried about any of this financial strife :lol:
I hope London property values dive like Aaron Lennon did in last night's game :twisted:

(Have long been ooking to invest in some UK property :lol:)
I hope London property values dive like Aaron Lennon did in last night's game :twisted:

(Have long been ooking to invest in some UK property :lol:)

3-1 and you ****ed it up.... 3-1 and you ****ed it up.... :lol:

and what about Terry setting a great example by surrounding Mavis Riley....
Im looking to buy next year, and im afraid to say none of this means much to me, which is quite worrying :oops::confused:
Im looking to buy next year, and im afraid to say none of this means much to me, which is quite worrying :oops::confused:

You may be a in a strong position.

Basically we have lived on tick for the past 20 years, but we can not afford to pay it off.

So lots of people may be forced to sell and the cost of borrowing will be reduced so people can well...afford to buy more stuff they probably cannot afford.

Putting the first time buyer in a buyers market, with access to cheap money, in a potentially strong position.