Hotel security


New Member
Staying at the Xaloc Appartments (San An) in Mid July. (I know, we went cheap) ;)

Everytime I look on tripadvisor its something saying they had stuff stolen by the maids etc. Anyone got any ideas to avoid this happening?

Obviously I'm not going to leave my phone on my bed during the day, and I know you can get safes in the wardrobes but surely they'll just break into that too as they have the keys. One idea I had was to leave a tip for the maid each day.. but I don't think that would change much. no pun intended.


We stayed at the Azzureline hotel last year and had no problems at all.
The more I hear these 'maids stole' stories, or read them on Trip Advisor & the like, the more they infuriate me. To the point now, where I simply don't believe them.

In fact, it's not even that. I'm sure in some cases maids have stolen. However, I reckon it's almost always totally avoidable.

Over the past 3 summers, I have stayed in hotels in Ibiza where 'reviews' have complained of thefts or "inside jobs" - but I've certainly never experienced it.

In fact, I'm failing to recall any holiday I've ever had anywhere in Europe had where hotel staff have stolen from me... Nope, it's never happened!

But that's probably because I don't leave money lying around (in fact, I try to carry as little cash on me as possible anyway) and anything I consider to be valuable I either have on my person when leaving the room, or lock inside my case.

I really feel a lot of these cases are more than likely a lack of common sense.

I wouldn't worry. Just seems to be one of the tick boxes when complaining about a hotel, along with dirty walls & cockroaches.
All you can do is get a safe and make sure you put everything in it, then you will be cover by your travel insurance if it is broken into. you can get decent cover for around £10 a week
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stayed in the xaloc last august for 2 weeks

5 of us in a room with another 1 sneaked in, had no problems at all

forget the tipping though, anything valuable just make sure you hide it well
I remember a few years ago we were staying in a popular well located and well known hotel in Ibiza town and on our last evening had packed and decided to go out for a final drink and to say goodbye to friends etc.
When we returned to the room to head off to the airport my wife opened the wardrobe door and asked why I had left the safe open?
I hadn't, its door had been ripped off.
Luckily (!) all that was missing was English cash (very small amount) but cards/passports/tickets were all there.
As we went to reception to kick off with receptionist the people from the room next door appeared, same had happened but they had been cleared out.
They were also leaving that night and tbh it seemed rather suspect that the only rooms robbed were the two that were just about to check out?
Thought I'd give a quick update

We paid for the safe, chucked all our passports, phones, money etc in it. Nothing stolen from the rest of the room either.

Although thursday we almost missed Cream because of the safe. Went to get our tickets earlier in the day, stuck them in the safe whilst we went to the beach, anyways its about 10ish and we're about to head off for some pre drinks when I go to unlock the safe and the key snaps in the lock when turning it. (I've used safes before and used locks before lol and I've never had a key snap before.

We begin to panic, all our stuffs in there.. go down to reception and the guy rings up the maintenence guy whose at another hotel and will be along shortly. He comes has a quick look at it speaks some spanish to the reception guy who then tells us the bad news.. the safes are by an external company and they won't be able to get anyone to come until the morning. Our hearts sank.

Half an hour later me and one of my mates are downstairs on the computers trying to learn how to break into a safe in 2 hours. All of a sudden my mate comes running down the stairs telling us to get ready.. at first thought it was a wind up but no he'd done it with a coat hanger. :o

They wanted 25E for the broken key when we checked out.
me and one of my mates are downstairs on the computers trying to learn how to break into a safe in 2 hours. All of a sudden my mate comes running down the stairs telling us to get ready.. at first thought it was a wind up but no he'd done it with a coat hanger. :o
All you can do is get a safe and make sure you put everything in it, then you will be cover by your travel insurance if it is broken into. you can get decent cover for around £10 a week
Good advice - and annual insurance can be as low as £30 as long as you don't go off skiing!
r/e stolen money & passports (especially on your last day etc) some good tips I found;

have 2 cards (one left in the safe, one on your person) so if one's stolen you have back-up
*and always carry the phone number of your cards/bank to cancel immediately if stolen*
Same with money - some in safe, some with you

Passports, leave passport in safe but have a paper photocopy of your details (page with photo & number on) kept in another place which will help with immigration back home - and if you have time to get an emergency replacement there. On the back of that paper keep your insurer's details, and phone number of local embassy/consil (??) there is UK thingy in Ibiza town, I believe.

Use a mobile phone that's PAYG, even if it's a 2002 Nokia! If your *proper* phone's nicked, £1000's of your credit could be used in a very short time! You can top up your moblle on-line. And peeps from work can't text you :lol:
the uk consil is across the road on the corner from where you get the number 3 bus to san an in Ibizatown.upstairs.
The Consulate is open to the public from Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 13.30 excluding public holidays 24-hour emergency service: out of office hours the Madrid Consulate-General telephone number (+34) 917 008 200 provides details on how to proceed in case of an emergency and to contact a duty officer if needed.

So just hope nothing happens over the weekend.
The Consulate is open to the public from Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 13.30 excluding public holidays 24-hour emergency service: out of office hours the Madrid Consulate-General telephone number (+34) 917 008 200 provides details on how to proceed in case of an emergency and to contact a duty officer if needed.

So just hope nothing happens over the weekend.

Think that helpful information should be a sticky somewhere!