Hotel Piscis Early Season


New Member

Will be flying in the 15th and need a temporary place to crash whilst looking for accommodation for the summer. For obvious reasons the Piscis by the egg comes up as the cheapest place to stay for a week...

Is it quiet that time of year?

Will most likely be half full, there are plenty of hostals probabaly just as cheap, plus hotels can be bargonous that time of year! We stayed in the Poniente Playa (kitchens in rooms etc) for rougly £9 per person per night with 3 sharing last year for 4 days. we booked it the day before we flew out.
Don't bank on the food being edible. Stayed there a few years ago an only took one look at the buffet before turning around and going to a restraunt.....might be different now tho
Would literally be a bed!! Wouldn't dream of eating there.... Plus Pepe De Rincon Tapas bar is a stones throw away!
Don't do it mate. Stay somewhere else. I've stayed here in August before. Pay a couple of quid extra and get somewhere with a door on your room thats thicker than a sheet of paper. I arrive on the 13th May and have booked Florencio Hostel in San An.
ES RETIRO is doing good offers at the moment, guy whose running the bar restaurant used to run the Ship, lots of workers around to help you get on your feet!foods meants to be brilliant too
Im stopping San Remo, It's a 15 min walk away from the egg but i've stopped there before and it seemed good enough
Having never stayed there I can't comment, it certainly doesn't LOOK terrible!
However, when I've visited San An when its more in season it just looks full of dickheads!! Thought maybe this time of year if would be safe!