Hot Creations Presents Paradise: Hot Natured Live @ Brixton Academy, London


Staff member
So... anybody else have the misfortune of going on Saturday night?

... Anybody go on the Friday?
A friend who was doing the visulas was there both nights. His opnion was that the saturday night was better than the friday. both nights young crowd but everyone seemed to be more up for a good time on the saturday. no first hand experience myself though
Thats what i heard too from afriend of mine, about the crowd being very young and some looking like from a set of TOWIE
it was alright, the second room, smaller room was much better than the main room though. Richey Ahmed and Infinity Ink were good

also, went to the afterparty at electric at 4 and eventually gave up on the que at 540 having not moved at all. someone said the event in there beforehand had overrun so i'm not sure if anyone ever did get in or not, anyone know?
Thats what i heard too from afriend of mine, about the crowd being very young and some looking like from a set of TOWIE

Standard. To be expected if truth be told. This alone wouldn't have ruined my night though. Things like that by-and-large don't bother me. Each to their own.

it was alright, the second room, smaller room was much better than the main room though. Richey Ahmed and Infinity Ink were good

Pretty much my sentiments.

Arrived just before midnight. Queue stretching round the block. Didn't have to wait for long to enter, although to the detriment of security. Not heard of any incidents, but if somebody wanted to smuggle a weapon inside it could have been done. Very lethargic pat-down which didn't go above the waist or below the knees.

For me, the crowd was just flat. There for the status of being somewhere "cool". Lots of phones in the air filming, not much dancing going on. What I call an "SMTV crowd" - sang along to the words they knew, and whooped at the chorus. In contrast to the crowd at Loco Dice a fortnight earlier who were bang-up for it and raucous all night, it was a sorry affair.

The live show was good. But not great. Certainly seen better. Sound levels were all over the place where we were standing (front left of stage). Highlight for me was Infinity/Hungry for the Power mash-up.

First room was banging, and rammo the whole night! (interestingly enough plenty of room to dance on the dancefloor in the main room, just a shame very few people opted to utilize the space available!) Made me wonder if anybody had walked into the venue and just assumed that first room was all there was!

Despite all this, I still had a good time. That was until...

also, went to the afterparty at electric at 4 and eventually gave up on the que at 540 having not moved at all. someone said the event in there beforehand had overrun so i'm not sure if anyone ever did get in or not, anyone know?

Utterly shambolic. Some of my group already purchased advanced online tickets, others bought wristbands once inside the Academy. The rest, myself included, didn't have tickets. We made the conscious effort of leaving early to get to front of the queue at Electric. Got to the door just before 4am when it was scheduled to open, about 100 yards away from the front door. Promo birds with guestlist clipboards outside informed us limited tickets were available on the door.

And we waited.. and waited.. and waited. Nothing. By this point more and more people were joining the queue, the vast majority without tickets. There was no queue management, and as to be expected people started to push in towards the front. This continued, until the queue was as wide as it was long and had actually spilled out into the road.

There seemed to be no plan in place as to who queued where. The security was non-existant and seemed happy to sit idly by and watch mob mentality take over. To be honest, it was a miracle that there wasn't more trouble. That many frustrated, intox people waiting and getting pulled and shoved from pillar to post.

When they eventually did open the doors, still having not attempted to manage the "queue", they inevitably got rushed. A handful of people were let through, but they shut the doors within minutes of opening them. Nobody made an effort to inform the queue what was going on. The doormen at the front barked info, and this trickled down like chinese whispers. At 05:50 they finally announced that the event had been cancelled.

I had wanted to bail a good hour before that, but the people in my group who had already parted with their money understandably had wanted to perservere.

In the end, we went to Lightbox for DAWN afterhours, and I loved it. Unfortunately the damage had already been done, and had put much of our spirits on a dampener. We didn't last long, much to my disappointment, and were back on the train home at 8:30.

In a nutshell: disappointed.

A friend who was doing the visulas was there both nights. His opnion was that the saturday night was better than the friday. both nights young crowd but everyone seemed to be more up for a good time on the saturday. no first hand experience myself though

Jesus! Friday must have been flippin' awful then! :spank: (P.S. tell you friend that his visuals were one the highlights of an otherwise disappointing night ;) Top work!)

Anyway, after 24hrs+ of keeping silent, here is their official statement:

I don't buy it personally. It was just terrible organisation. But I'm pleasantly surprised that the venue & promoter are singing from the same hymn sheet instead of blaming each other, which is the impression I got at the time.
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Anyway, after 24hrs+ of keeping silent, here is their official statement:

I don't buy it personally. It was just terrible organisation. But I'm pleasantly surprised that the venue & promoter are singing from the same hymn sheet instead of blaming each other, which is the impression I got at the time.

"The doors had to be closed at 4.55am after criminal elements unsuccessfully tried to gain access to the club."

Perhaps the Brixton massive took one look at the TOWIE crowd queued outside and jumped to conclusions that they wouldn't last 5 minutes inside :lol:
for the london people, if your being honest, does london / & with some specific acts have a real problem with scenesters / TOWIE types & those that think them too cool to dance???

seems like it from an outsiders point of view...

mates were down in london at end of feb for todd terje & prosumer...said the crowd was ****...night was just flat.
for the london people, if your being honest, does london have a real problem with scenesters / TOWIE types & those that think them too cool to dance??/

Nope. Went to Loco Dice a few weeks ago, also in Brixton, and the crowd were crazy! Just gotta pick your parties/venues. I knew there would be the above at the Hot Creations gig, I just underestimated how rife it would be.
Nope. Went to Loco Dice a few weeks ago, also in Brixton, and the crowd were crazy! Just gotta pick your parties/venues. I knew there would be the above at the Hot Creations gig, I just underestimated how rife it would be.

^^ been like that for AGES viz Hot Creations - it is literally TOWIE Central as far as London scene is concerned. Later in the year if you want to have a giggle and play count how many orange-skinned girls in bright pink lippie, unfeasibly uncomfortable shoes clutching designer handbags there are in a square metre beside equally orange blokes with brylcreamed hair, pecs and nipples hanging out of ultra-slack tops wearing short shorts or denim ones rolled up over their knees then it's definitely the place to go.

In fairness it should be said that some of the above group do know how to have a good time - there were a few of them at that Circo Loco party in Kent last year and they were into it as much as the crowd with tats and tags and that was fine by me. However, for some reason when they're all together in large concentrations I've never seen the vibe properly balanced and a proper good party going off. Too much posing and not enough partying. That gets a big YAWN all round.
why does Hot Creations get that crowd? I thought it was still pretty underground, shows i'm not exactly in touch these days.. :oops: but it wasn't far long ago Lee Foss was playing at Fabric Im sure.

Having said that I saw a similar crowd at Steve Lawler Viva Warriors night at Fire recently. Some were making a good atmosphere, others weren't
why does Hot Creations get that crowd?

I think it's the amount of vocals that contributes to it ;) Not enough 'Dub' mixes for them to decide to back another horse !

Having said that I saw a similar crowd at Steve Lawler Viva Warriors night at Fire recently. Some were making a good atmosphere, others weren't

That surprises me. Wouldn't have thought it was really their handbag. But I haven't been out clubbing in London (or anywhere come to that) for 7 months now so a bit out of touch with who goes where. It's all part of the vice detox sesh (or "life enema" as it's probably more aptly described as !)
Yes, the Viva Warriors night had a particularly bad crowd. But that was more aggy. Can't say this crowd was trouble. And there wasn't even that much shuffling from what I saw. They were just lifeless.
Yes, the Viva Warriors night had a particularly bad crowd. But that was more aggy.

did you go to that night too? Never been to Fire, thought the lay out was a nightmare to find you're way about. It was good once I got settled though. It was just a bit too busy.

Shame Lawler hasn't found a regular London home since his Harlem nights days.