Hostel Room - Hidden Messages Inside

Interesting, i remember there was a thesis done on this same topic at a Canadian university.
It was found that , in the washroom stalls , women and males expressed intimate feelings vulgarly and usually males talk about sex and homosexuality. While women insult each other and talk about intimate things - in writing.

Oh and males write more graffiti.

Interesting thinking Aaron.
I remember staying at Hostal Cervantes (near Torres) and there being lots of messages in the drawers like this! Most of them referencing Kevin and Perry and havin it large so proves how long the drawers haven't been changed for. Just makes you think of how many memories were made in that room.
The people who were conceived in that room (possibly on top of that drawer) have now probably stayed in that room!!!!!

I wonder if they got a deja vu moment when they walked back into the room for the first time?!!??
Sweet.. kinda reminds me of when I was on the island in 2013, we used to hide our safe keys above the ceiling tiles in the bathroom, and one day when looking for the key I found an envelope.. very dusty, with a postcard in it dated late 1980's as well as some 70's style (going by the amount of hair featured) porno playing cards :D:D

Was almost as good a discovery as the viewpoint for Es Vedra :p