Holiday destinations: St Lucia, Haiwai, Jamaica etc etc


Active Member
Mepham World tours needs to get the next destination set for 2013 but the bf and me cannot decide where to go....for some reason are preference is the carribean side...we were thinking of Jaimaica however his friend said ' you couldnt pay him to go back there ' :rolleyes: - so now were really confused on where to go....

I have done, Mexico, Cuba, Dom Rep, Thailand etc etc so not sure what place would be best...

Whos been where and who can recommend what?

thanks in advance :D
Depends what you're after really.. Personally I didn't like Dom Rep at all, I loved Mexico but my favourite in that area has to be Antigua, just for the people, so laid back and there's this really nice community feeling everywhere. Weather was good too :)
St Lucia is cool, great street party every Friday and cheap refreshments. Quite upmarket.

Cambodia is my favourite place in the world. Siam Reap and Phnom Penh are fantastic and the Happy Pizza Shops are very nice.

Laos is also cool. Fly into Laung Prabang for a super chill and then get the bus down to Vang Vieng to go tubing with the Back Packers. All sorts of different refreshments here and lots of fun!
If you liked the Mexico, Cuba, and Dom Rep trips, I would point to Porto Rico personally.

I had a blast there and it had all the civilization I like on those types of trips. Also, the whole island has no indigenous animals that can kill you... bonus in my paranoid book.

The bio-luminescent bay and rain forest were highlights for sure.... rum factory tour as well.
I've been to St Lucia a couple of times, Jamaica twice, Barbados and the Dominican Republic. I hated the Dominican Republic (and that was before we were in the middle of an earthquake!). Barbados was ok but wouldn't rush back. I did like Jamaica but most of all I LOVED St Lucia. It's a lot prettier than the other places I thought, very green and lush. I've stayed in Rodney Bay which was the more touristy place and when I went back I went to Marigot Bay which was absolutely stunning but quite a bit quieter with just a few restaurants in the bay some of which you had to get little boats to. It was my honeymoon though so was ideal (shame the marriage didn't last!) I'd defo go back though.

I only had a short visit to Laos tagged onto the end of my Thailand trip last year but it is one of the best places I have ever been to. Still really cheap. The people have very little but would give you the world. I only went to Vang Vieng, the backpackers party place but the scenery was stunning. We were there for the tubing which was one of the best days of my life (and also one of the messiest after sampling some of the shakes :lol:). I really want to go back and see the rest of the country A couple of my mates saw the rest of the country as they were on part of their round the world trip and loved it. My housemate did say that Cambodia was her favourite place out of everywhere that she visited so that is also very high up on my to do list.
Not wanting to head over to the East next year - my partner hasnt done Thailand so i really want to do some proper research and planing and do alot of travelling over that side of the world in maybe 2 years, so atm were just going for 2 weeks of simplicity so to speak.

Him and i love bars and clubs but then also like the whole sight seeing thing, scuba diving, back packing etc etc. I personally love the culture over that side of the world - they have nothing yet are sooo content, such a beautiful thing to see....

Looks like no one was a fan of dom rep then, i suppose i liked it alot as it was my first 'luxury' holiday :lol:

Antigua could be an option actually - forgot about that little gem.

St Lucia looks popular tho, is there much to do as far as activities on the island?
Go to Brazil - you will absolutely love it. 4 nights in Rio, 3 nights in Sao Paulo then get an internal flight down to Florianapolis and spend a week down there. Some of the best beaches, bars and clubs anywhere in the world, amazing weather, friendly people and guaranteed sunshine.

I did three weeks there at the start of this year with my fiancee and it was a truly unforgettable holiday....... 8)
Go to Brazil - you will absolutely love it. 4 nights in Rio, 3 nights in Sao Paulo then get an internal flight down to Florianapolis and spend a week down there. Some of the best beaches, bars and clubs anywhere in the world, amazing weather, friendly people and guaranteed sunshine.

I did three weeks there at the start of this year with my fiancee and it was a truly unforgettable holiday....... 8)

Doing Brazil in 2014? or will it be 2013 :rolleyes: the boyfriend was quick to stamp that place on the list of places to go to :rolleyes: i wonder why :spank:
St Lucia looks popular tho, is there much to do as far as activities on the island?

We went horse riding, hired a sailboat between a few of us, went to visit the volcano. They have a zipline tour through the forest which is a newer thing but is supposed to be good. The street party thing in the evening was good we had a nice bit of lobster there and there was lots of fun and dancing :)
Done Jamaica - hated it! its like being in an AI prison to be honest - and i really didnt enjoy it at all......

Got married in Hawaii - its stunning, romantic and so chilled - each Island has something different - so there's something for everyone - the nicest people you will ever meet!!!! recommend Lonely Planet book on Hawaii xx
Done Jamaica - hated it! its like being in an AI prison to be honest - and i really didnt enjoy it at all......

Got married in Hawaii - its stunning, romantic and so chilled - each Island has something different - so there's something for everyone - the nicest people you will ever meet!!!! recommend Lonely Planet book on Hawaii xx

Were struggling to find a decent agent for hawaii holidays - where did you book yours?
Were struggling to find a decent agent for hawaii holidays - where did you book yours?

hey there - I never used travel agents we did everything over t'internet, flights, hotels, inter island flights and wedding - dead easy!

I believe Kuoni still do Hawaii holidays - try them if you dont feel confident doing it all yoiurself but its really simple... (dont make the mistake we did of not fancying a 14hr direct flight - because of Mr PL's "cabin fever" on long haul flights we opted for NCl - LHR - LA - Oahu (stop over) then flew to Big Island - 26hrs!!! horrific jetlag!) :spank:
hey there - I never used travel agents we did everything over t'internet, flights, hotels, inter island flights and wedding - dead easy!

I believe Kuoni still do Hawaii holidays - try them if you dont feel confident doing it all yoiurself but its really simple... (dont make the mistake we did of not fancying a 14hr direct flight - because of Mr PL's "cabin fever" on long haul flights we opted for NCl - LHR - LA - Oahu (stop over) then flew to Big Island - 26hrs!!! horrific jetlag!) :spank:

I agree it is much cheaper to book your self. I would start off by booking lodging. You can find great deals on self catering places to stay (rental condo's and such). If you must have a hotel there are deals. Here is a couple of sites i used for condo's:
There are plenty of low cost car hires ie rent a wreck type places
Actual physical travel agents are rip offs and im surprised they are still going. I do like package holidays for the sheer ease of it and are more than happy to do it on line as i have never had an issue with them, however the other half is a bit wary as he had an issue with the holiday he booked to Ibiza - but im sure i will get him on my side again ;)
Looks like Jaimaca is a no no then, thats 2 people that i know that have hated it - what a shame :cry:

i've gotta step in here and say don't always listen to negative views from people that may have spent an entire 2 weeks in an all inclusive. I spent 2 weeks in Jamaica, based myself in Negril in a rented house and hired a car. We drove around the whole island, stopped in Kingston, went through tiny little villages and never got bothered at all. It is a complete and utter myth that you are effectively held hostage in your resort. That is just what your all inclusive hotels and tour operators want you to believe so you spend all your money in the resort.

I drank in local bars in Negril and Trelawny, the locals were extremely friendly and when i mentioned i lived in an island i had the whole bar chatting to me and got hammered with the locals!!

Don't always believe everything you hear mate. I'd go back to jamaica in an instant and my very close friend goes there 2 or 3 times a year, doing exactly what i have described above.8)
Don't always believe everything you hear mate. I'd go back to jamaica in an instant and my very close friend goes there 2 or 3 times a year, doing exactly what i have described above.8)

Totally hear what you are saying and tbh i wont write it off completely for the future, esp as i wana eventually visit every caribbean island :lol: but for now i will leave it on the list of places to visit 8)
i've gotta step in here and say don't always listen to negative views from people that may have spent an entire 2 weeks in an all inclusive. I spent 2 weeks in Jamaica, based myself in Negril in a rented house and hired a car. We drove around the whole island, stopped in Kingston, went through tiny little villages and never got bothered at all. It is a complete and utter myth that you are effectively held hostage in your resort. That is just what your all inclusive hotels and tour operators want you to believe so you spend all your money in the resort.

I drank in local bars in Negril and Trelawny, the locals were extremely friendly and when i mentioned i lived in an island i had the whole bar chatting to me and got hammered with the locals!!

Don't always believe everything you hear mate. I'd go back to jamaica in an instant and my very close friend goes there 2 or 3 times a year, doing exactly what i have described above.8)

I agree, my family would vacation there every year. I won't go back anytime soon because I have been there so many times. With anything take it with a grain of salt.