

Well-Known Member
Hello all!
I'm alive! :D

Will post a review of the full two weeks (when I write it!) in the next week.

All I can say is, the last two weeks, have been unbelieveable. :-D
Hehe, Global is going to be awesome. Two days is enough to recover. :D

By the way, Ushaia and Sankeys? Awesome.
Yey glad you had a good time, woohoooo about 9 weeks till I am there again !!

Have a brilliant time at global and say hello to my friends for me haha :D
How you are managing Global this weekend aswell is hardcore :D
What a ledge 8)

One mention of a review .............
What's left of me is at work. Amazing two weeks.
Will write up the review tonight (I hope)
Did you enjoy Global, Ben ?

Couldn't go Friday (big disappointment) but made a last-minute foray up on Saturday.