Hire car - doyouspain.com


New Member
Looking for a little advice

I just got a quote there from do you spain for a ford focus aith a/c - for 3 days. 80 euros which i thought was pretty good for the end of August.

Is there anything i need to know about hiring cars In Ibiza? It says you have fully comprehensive insurance added to the cost although nothing about age that i could find. Im 22 and i know that you ahve to pay a little more for younger drivers sometimes.


21 is the legal age with most carhire places.all you need is to drive crazy?.brits are the only ones who stop at crossings.we can use island.just made sure if you wear glasses that you take a spare pair.and always carry paper work with you.apart from that just watch your speed.and don;t drink and drive.

fag in one hand. hand out the window...use your horn any problems say your english loudly