Hippy Market...


Active Member
Not gona lie, i have done naff all research on it so thought id put it out there first....(i will have a read on here when i get a chance :D)

Im a bit of a culture geek and out of 6 of us girls, one piped up about it on Friday when i broke the news that it was all booked, the other 4 girls were like 8O:?8O Hippy Market wtf....

Thankfully in our group i have someone whos interested to discover a diff side of ibiza that i spose isnt commonely known amongst us roudy brits...so...

Is it worth going to ?!
Where is it inconjunction to San Ann ?!
How much of a day would it take up ?!

Generally and advice, hints tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated as always :D

Thank you :D
There are 2 Hippy Markets.

One is in Es Cana (Wednesdays) and the other in San Carlos (Saturdays).

Either is good for a laugh although San Carlos one (Las Dalias) always seemed to me to be a little less commercial than Punta Arabi (at Es Cana).

They are both on the Eastern side of the island, not far from Santa Eularia. I suppose it'd take 20-30 minutes to drive there from San An.

You need as much time as you want to look around.

It's part of the whole island experience so if you haven't been I'd go check it out.
wicked :D

Beacuse of the ways our days work, wel go with the Wednesday market i think.

I do love a good sun worship day, but its always good to do somethng different :D
True, Zaax. Lots of hidden gems on the backstreets of the port area and in other parts of the town center.

Vic - one idea is to get your sun in the morning and head over in the afternoon (or vice versa). Or better yet, combine it with a trip to one of the beaches on the East Coast! Always nice to check out new beaches.
How far north (presuming its north) of PDB is it ?!

So maybe few hours sun in the morning then head on over to the market and have lunch somewhere over there aswell ?! ooo getting exciting for this little random trip :D
see what you mean now.best to go to market early when its cool then head to pdb later,but your better off staying in resort for the day.

right your in san an.so es cana on weds is going to be two buses.then if you fancy pdb its gonna be 3 buses.

bus from san to santa eulalia then bus from there to es cana.


so from san an bus station its number 19 bus,then in s.e when you get off its 18a or 18b.gets busy on buses so like i say go early.9am ish

last oct prices,if your worried how much of the day it will take up.then don;t go.depends how long you fancy shopping in market.its a good 20 min walk from es cana bus station up hill as well.give yourself the day out.no rush to come back to home resort.
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