High on Hope - Film *PLEASE DONATE*


Well-Known Member
Received this email, please help:


As someone who has got in touch about the DVD of High On Hope i wanted to let you know about my latest and probably last attempt to get the film's music financed.

I have made a donation page on the website. People can give from as little as £3 towards the costs and when we hit the total they will get a free download. Donate £10 and they get a DVD. £25 gets tickets to the premier and after party, £100 get t heir name in the credits at the end of the film.

it would be amazing if you could have a look at this and let everyone know about it.


Its a massive final obstacle clearing this music but if we all get behind it we can, as the song says 'move any mountain' and finally get this film to the audience it deserves.

Thanks for all your support.
Was laughing about this a few weeks ago with a m8, we both thought we had done our money:lol: What the chances are of ever receiving my free download is questionable!

Enjoy Marc...
Hmmmm ... I think I'm owed a couple of tickets to that and a DVD - not been contacted by the promoters ... Marc did they contact you ?
I never donated myself , i just saw it on facebook. sent you an invite so can probs contact through them
Looked into this .. it's not the launch party .. basically a fund-raiser. They seem a long way off the target still - hope the donations aren't going in too many costs of staying 'high' on hope :lol:.
If I'm about I might come to that .. wheeling out Heller & Farley might get some Hipster £ in their coffers too :lol:.