Hi Guys :) Doing season alone. help/advice?


New Member
Hi :)

Im 23 from Barnsley, going over to Ibiza begining of June to do 3 months. Going over alone and wanting a few tips and stuff. Basically wanting to go over and make some sick memories and live the dream ha.. I DJ regular and played some pretty decent events. Iv also ran and promoted events bringing in large crowds but im by no means going over to persue a life changing career as a DJ. Just wanting to go and enjoy myself, meet new people and work at a cushty number to help me on my way through.

Anybody else going over who wouldnt mind showing me the ropes, or even more so just some helpfull advice to put me on my way.

Hope you all have a great time over there anyway :)
Hi JDO, Have you been over the Island before?

Take a look at the following thread with lots of Q&As that should give you a lot of information you need -

Do you know where you want to live? In regards to accommodation you are likely to be looking at sharing a room in a shared apartment with other workers. There are some groups on facebook you can add such as 'ibiza workers accommodation es vedra' and 'ibiza workers accom' and you shoudl find others also looking with spare rooms.

As you are doing 3 months, and a lot of the tenancies and sharers are there fore 4-5 months, you might be better off booking into a Hostel like the the Florenico then heading to the Ship Inn in the west end in San An and looking at the board there for rooms to rent when you arrive.

Any more questions, let me know.
Hi mate, thanks for your reply. Only been over for a holiday. My mate who's done a couple of seasons did say to go to the Ship to look for places to stay. Was hoping id be able to meet some people on here who were doing the same thing as me so im not walking it in alone as soon as i step off the plane.
I'm going alone also looking for DJ work although I'm going out really early (next week) I have a few trials lined up though, so If im still over there in June give me a shout!