

New Member
anyone going on there own and need a job huntin buddy!! i'm already here just chillin in es cana goin san an at the end of the week!!!
Hi Izzy - already there? - you lucky bleeder!

The current Mrs B are on flying visits only......

Preston, eh? Reminds me of a disastrous night I spent in ahem *cough* Tokyo Joe's :oops:
Buckley said:
Preston, eh? Reminds me of a disastrous night I spent in ahem *cough* Tokyo Joe's :oops:


I spent an hour or so thinking the top part was all there was to the club till someone said the proper 'big dance floor' was through the shady back doors :oops:

Fly of the nite. If I dont have a job by the time Glastonbury is finished I probably will mooch to Ibiza. I say this every year though :oops: Its up there with "Im DEFINATELY doing the WMC next year" :lol:
give one good reason....

hey IZZY
how is it over there? i mean wether, people, sea, countryside, clubs....i know u are there already, do you leave in ibiza town or nearby?
now i want you to give me a good reason why i'll have to find a job.....is the life expensive(i mean accommodation and food only)?
i will be in that dream of island on mid june, but til nowday i dont have idea where to stay as i'll come alone, can you give some advice...
ah, yes, i forgot, im a22 years old girl italian but ive been in london for 2 years....

lets keep in touch
take care

got a job now @ bar M just looking for some where 2 live!!!! any one any ideas? or any one got a spare room 2 let? xxx :D