Heston Blumenthal


Active Member
In a nut shell, the man intrigues me :D

Has anyone seen or been watching the last few programmes hes done on channel 4 recently Hestons Mission Impossible

I havent been able to sit down and watch these prgrammes properly, but my hat goes off to the man, he seems to be able to introduce anything new and maybe out of the ordinary to any situation...

Bit of a ledge if you ask me lol 8)

p.s as for the Little Chef stint he had, wel forget that ever happened :lol:
I actually loved the Little Chef programme - thats where I first saw him.

I watch every programme of his, I find the stuff he does fascinating and he seems quite nice as a person.

Would love to go to The Fat Duck (his restaurant out in Berks way) and he has a new one in London now - much closer to home for me :lol: