Henry Saiz - Audio samples for new album


Well-Known Member
Henry Saiz is one of the most creative artists in the industry right now. As part of his new album project he's actively seeking all kinds of original samples (e.g. voices, noises, field recordings, textures, soundscapes etc.) from anyone - preferably ones which are meaningful or imaginative.

There is a website set up through which they can be submitted and further guidelines are on here :


For those who want to be part of the creation of music from the roots up.

FB :

"This is gonna be available just for some weeks... Can´t wait to listen to your ideas. This is a very special project for me, please give me your feedback and ask me any doubt you may have about how it works, pretty easy to use though. Available in English & Spanish.

Enjoy! :)"
he's playing at ministry this friday and i am thrilled to be going - first ever trip to MOS :)
he's playing at ministry this friday and i am thrilled to be going - first ever trip to MOS :)

I saw him at Gallery last year, he was brilliant.

Him and Danny Howels should do a great show on friday.

Shame I'm trying to save money, would be there otherwise