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please have a little read of my story and help if you can ! :)



Then read on my friends, you could finish reading this having achieved all of the above. I need you good people of Facebook to help me fulfil my destiny.

In fear of losing my respective audience before I even begin, I will start by explaining that this is a love story that I am determined, like a massage in Soho, will have a happy ending.

Please, I ask that you do me one favour... At the very least finish reading what I have to say before you decide to dismiss it completely and go back to watching RedTube in the corner of the internet cafe. It's ok, we have all been there. And in return I will try to keep this as brief as possible...

So, I have just returned from 10 days in Ibiza where I had a combined total of 5 hours sleep, consumed the NHS yearly allocation of narcotics and spent enough money to eradicate 3rd world famine. During the trip I experienced all the regular highlights a holiday to Ibiza entails. I strutted down the beach in some very over revealing swimming shorts, I marched pointlessly around topless hoping to catch the final rays of sunlight from the fading Ibiza summer and I woke up with a mouth full of sand and tears seeping down my face on more than one occasion. You know, the usual stuff.

But amongst all the carnage there was one night that stood out from all the others. One night that shone like a bright star in a cloudy night sky. On Monday the 29th of September at Amnesia during the COCOON CLOSING PARTY I momentarily met the girl of my dreams. Although our encounter was short and my mind was slightly how do you say... altered, I remember it as clear as day. Which is good considering since I have been back I can barley remember my name.

I bumped into her on the stairs to the toilet in Amnesia, you know, the one where the girls fork off to the left and the boys to the right in almost a military fashion. yes, we have all tried the old joke of standing in the wrong queue whilst waving to your pals.

A little back ground on me, my attention span is not great, I get distracted by a leaf blowing along the road or a butterfly going about its daily business.

So, as I approached the bottom of the stairs with my mate who I was escorting to the toilet my attention was momentarily distracted. I turn and gaze wondrously at the flashing lights on the stage, mesmerised by the basey beat I begin to dance/bop like a inquisitive squirrel. As a sudden pain shoots through my body I remember the purpose of this trip was to relieve the €7000 or 3 drinks I had recently consumed at the bar.

As I turn around to tell my mate, who I thought was standing beside me, that her toilet was on the left hand side, I realise, to my amusement, that I had in fact just screamed "GO LEFT" at the top of my voice, like the 3rd member of the pet shop boys, to a random girl standing defencelessly against the hand rail. I follow this with a cheeky little laugh, apologise in a gimpy kind of way and carry on my way up "The Man Stairs". As I leave she grabs my arm, moves her hand across my chest, says "No stay..." and gives me a cheeky little smile back.

As I focus my eyes, I look at her and just say "F*cking hell, you are beautiful" to which she replies "As are you..."

Now, i'm quite a confident outgoing person but maybe a hello would have been a better start... I can honestly say this, as far as first impressions go, she is without a doubt the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

Now, I will keep this part brief as I don't want to go into too much detail and bore you but, I think i'm reasonably good at speaking with people.I know how to converse and make people laugh but when confronted with someone that you actually want to impress I seemed to turn into Harry Hill.

This was my moment... This was my chance to shine... My shot with the most beautiful girl i've ever seen.... The stage was all mine...

Her - "What is your name then?"
Me - "I'm Nick"
Her - "I'm Sam"
Me - "Hi Sol"
Her - "No Sam"
Me - "Sorry, hi San"
Her - "No Sam as in Samantha"
Me - "Ohh hi Sol"
Her - "So where are you from Nick?"
Me - "London"
Her - "I live in Ibiza but I am from Wales"

This part is actually pretty blurry but i am 99% sure at some point I began to try and speak Spanish to poor Sam as I had got it into my head that she was Spanish or South American (If you ever see her you will see what I mean, Beautiful tan, sexy body... you know the rest) - Of course, when I say speak Spanish I mean the usual

"I no hablo mucho Espanyol.. Pequeno Espanyol"


"Cuanto Cuesta"

The mere fact that the poor girl had to reiterate that she was in fact Sam from Wales and not Sol from the foot hills of Argentina on more than one occasion shows she must have been pretty into me to not slap me and run off into the crowds of "normal" people.

I don't know if it was the alcohol, the intimidation of beauty, the narcotics or the fact that I still desperately needed the toilet but I proceeded to make the biggest mistake of my life to date... I p*ssed off the side of the stairs... ONLY JOKING. That would have been a good end to the story though, right? In fact what I did was far worse... I told her that I was going to the toilet and I would find her later before the end of the night...

Needless to say I never saw her again...

I am being completely genuine here, jokes aside, this girl is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I will try all I can to at least try and find her full name. If she meets me for one date (and I don't care where I have to go to) I promise you that this will have a happy ending.

So... Now it is for you to make up your mind whether this is a modern day Romeo and Juliet or the insane ramblings of a man on a 10 day come down.

I live my life by one rule "A brave man may not live very long, but a cautious man never lives"

So it's time to be brave and put this to the world...


Her name is Sam

She is from Wales

She lives in Ibiza

She was at Amnesia for the Cocoon closing party on Monday September the 29th

She is very tanned with sexy eyes

She may look like she's called Sol or possibly San

She maybe slightly wary of speaking to random guys

I am pretty sure that night she was wearing red... If one person posts a link to youtube with "lady in red" playing you will be instantly removed

Your mission - FIND HER

Feel free to message me if you know her or add me as a friend tell me anything you know.

God speed good people of Facebook, SHARE this on your wall and let's get this viral !!

Over and out ...


To share this one your facebook, please follow this link and share :) -
If this is her you owe me a pint..

I have a few friends that live in ibiza....Will go on to their friends lists and see if there are any Sam/Samanthas that fit the profile :)
Im sure it was a coral dress kimajy was searching for...

Still have her number in my phone. Dialled it by mistake the other day on speakerphone with a work colleague next to me trying to get hold of a business contact .... she answered with my name ... one of those moments when there are simply no words apart from the momentary impression of tuning radio ...