

New Member
Hi all!

Basically looking for a wee bit of advice! I got back from my first time in Ibiza a week ago, and I had the time of my life!:) I loved everything about it, and I was GUTTED to come home. My two mates who I went out there with, are still out there, they are working and have accomodation. However they are both students and dont have any committments to think about during the summer months. I, on the other hand, have a full-time job working for a national mortgage brokers, that I enjoy, I am good at, and that pays a really good salary, with excellent bonus incentives. I have been with this company for over 2 years.

Since I have been back, all I can think about is getting myself back out there, and staying til the end of the season. My company are considering looking at me taking unpaid leave in order for me to be able to do this, but I think the chances are slim. Which brings me on to the big decision! If they decide this isn't an option, and am seriosly considering giving a weeks notice and going back to Ibiza. I know places to get work, but does anyone think that this summer (considering that its now July) is too late to be looking for a job til end of Sept, and that next season would be the better time to follow this plan through?

I would really appreciate any advice on this, as I dont wanna give up on my career, get out there and it all go horribly wrong!

Cheers! :)
I'm sort of in the same situation...what I am thinking of doing is saving up enough money then take six months off work and head out there probably spring of next year...

your bosses will understand, and because you are experienced, they will probably take you back in a flash...
To be honest, I'd say it was a bit late in the season to be heading out there. Best to book up a holiday end of September to look forward to, and head out next year with a better plan. Just my two cents.