

New Member
Hello ive posted a few posts but i wanted to sum all my questions in this post????

> Basically i went to Ibiza last year and i had the time of my life
> I would like to go to Ibiza this summer and "live the dream" again by working and living there

I have three options facing me

a) I can book a holiday out there for a week for £229 self catering on my own :( and look for work during that week?

b) Or i can get a flight for £86 one-way and try and get accomodation over there. I have heard that there is a hostel by the football stadium for 12 euro's and that there is bar in the westend called Deliah's thats the same price. If this accomodation could be confirmed i would be v.grateful.

c) I can stay at home in sunny england. The main thing that is worrying me is that will i be able to find work out there this late in the season (planning to fly June 25th) or should i leave it till next year and go earlier?

Any advice that anybody can offer me would be gratefully received

I will be going on my own so if anyone else is planning to go....

email me Im an easy-going 20 year old guy who's looking for fun!!!

hiya! i'm doin the same, hopefully leaving on the 1st or 2nd of July, I'm thinking bout booking a cheap holiday so I don't have to worry about somewhere to stay when I first get there, and transfers, etc. from the airport.
my email is, send me an email or something and we could meet up when we get out there if you fancy!
easy, book a one way flight stay in deliahs (like we did) whilst looking for long term accomodation, holidays are a waste of money just get stuck in its all good m8.