HELP... roomies for ibiza, from june 1st.......


New Member
HELP..... anyone looking for roomies from may 30th. time is getting closer!

have not booked a flight yet but i am hoping to fly out on the first week of june. ALso is anyone actually going out there to look for a job or jus having an extended holiday? how much £££ are you guys all taking? i do not have a lot saved so im looking for some one who is in the same boat as me an will be chilling the 1st week 2 do sum serious job hunting!

does ne1 have any advice for me on gettig a job? msn or e mail me if you wanna chat further about it.

my names amy and im 19 years old.....
would love to go sooner but dont finish studies till 20th may n would need little time to get a bit more £££!!!

When you going out there? :D