HELP: Presents for a teenager ?



Most of you lot are years and years nearer my daughter's ages ... one is 12, the other 16, but both very mature for their years ...

What bits and bobs can I get them to open aswell as their main present?

Thanks ..
My sisters in law go nuts for anything with the playboy logo on. One is 16, the other 14.

(and it is the most downloaded wallpaper for mobiles at the moment)
Umm ... they wouldnt like Playboy as both would consider it "townie" wear.
Flick knife
Imitation gun (that is a lighter)
Spray paint
Steel toe cap boots
Body piercing gift voucher
Expensive cider

I could go on....
lol .. aww you lot, you have made me chuckle .. thanks .. needed it today ! :D x
A pair of rebok classics and a burberry scarf and maybe something from the one pound shop for a stocking filler.
A pair of rebok classics and a burberry scarf and maybe something from the one pound shop for a stocking filler.[/quote

Err ... yeah .. right ! lol