Help, Im an Ibiza Virgin!


New Member

I am ditching my boring UK life to seek fun in the sun. I'm 27 and looking to go out to Ibiza about end June/ July time.

I don't know what to expect, where to find work, accomodation e.t.c Can anyone give me some pointers?

I am also going solo as my mates are all married and have kids! I'm looking for like minded friends to go out with.

PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!


can't really help you with job info...but i'm sure you will have the time of your life there! no problem as you go solo - you'll meet lots of people! i'll be on the island for 3 weeks from july 3 on - so see you there! ;)
No idea yet, just plan on going with a people and seeing what happens. Scary thought!

I need a job and stuff.

Got any advice?
I'm going solo on Saturday 14th May. I've got a sabatical from work so am planning on staying the summer. Yes scary thought, but you only live once and being 29 I want to get it over with before I'm 30.

I have booked one weeks accom and am hoping to find work within that week, I might already have something lined up, but we'll see when I get there.

Just go for it girlfriend, you'll be fine. Best to regret the things you have done rather than the things you haven't!!!

P.S Know what you mean about everyone being coupled and babied up!!!!
Hi Emski

Are you not worried about going on your own? Will you be staying on your own in your accomodation?

I am really worried about going out alone and not meeting people, too scared to go out to bars e.t.c. on my own.

Would love to know your thoughts
Greets, the way its lookign i shall also be going solo this summer and shall also be heading out end of june,...few days after June 25th, alltho plan on meeting many who i met from working out there last summer.

Your best bet regarding finding a job would probably 1st of all hit a bar called ''The Ship Inn'' located @ the top of San Antonio's west end, on the board in there you will find many job advertisements/flats to rent pinned on a notice board,...or alternativly you could just pop into every bar and simply ask if there are any jobs availible,..i wouldnt worry to much, last season i didnt get on the island till July 31st and still found a job easy enough, granted it was only Pr'ing, but hey, it kept me on the island and payed the bills 8)

With regards to accomodation....many many cheap hostals availible, i recommend ''Hostal Horizonte'' great family run hostal,..i stayed there for a while last season, prices was 20 euros a night for a single room, a double was 18 euros each (36euros per room, per night) this is ideal untill you meet more workers who may have a space in thier apartments etc.

See you there 8)

This is my advice

Type in the words "Ibiza Virgin" into "Search" and just read everything that comes up. This messageboard is a place for newbies to learn about the White Isle and a place for the experenced to chat about old times. Stay, You'll like it.
Hey babes

Yes I am worried, although excited at the same time, going into the unknown and don't forget if you don't like it come home, it's no biggie!!!

My main worry is how much money to take, I think I have enough, however I know what I am like once I've had a drink, I get a bit powerful and spunk the lot!!!!

The other thing I am stressing about is how many clothes to take, you know, how much dressie stuff, casual stuff, my heads doing the rounds at the mo.

Why don't you email me and we can exchange numbers for a Ibiza chinwag!
Ibiza virgin 2...
What i want to ask u profs is whether i'd have problems for working without a PERMIT. The fact is that i'm an non-Eu and this would be the perfect Ibiza summer! Do they hire there without a permit?...are there any periodical checkings?
pleaseeee make my dream come true!!
i'm in the same boat, virgins

hello girls and boys
im really trying to get to some conclusion for this summer events....experience in ibiza!!
im planning to arrive in ibiza mid-end june, i'll be sola and i have not idea yet where to stay.
i though about share a flat but its difficult to match everyones needs.
so why cant we just exchange mob. number and meet in ibiza?
this is my email
i'll be in the front line to welcome new issues.

take care