*Help* Hotel Location Confused


New Member
I have booked my hotel, it is called "Azuline Hotel Galfi" You can find it in google maps.

Is it located near the west end? and the clubbing areas?

I know its ont he border of san antonio bay & san antonio,

Jus im not familiar with ibiza.

Any help would be appricieted

It looks more san an than san an bay - it's in a prime location for clubs and bars in San An and 10 mins from sunset strip if its the one im looking at, no worrries 8)
The Galfi hotel in round the bay past bar m. Its about a 5/10 minute walk to Eden/Es Paradise and about a 20 minute walk to Mambo
Yes mate you will be able to walk into town and stagger back.

I can walk from San An bay E'Stanyol to the egg in just over 20 mins on the way back takes a little longer.